

New cxs v12.04

Changes: Modified cxs on DA to set defapache to “webapps” by default Improve handling of corrupt database and exit cleanly Modified behaviour of –cgi to force enable –qlocal if mod_security run as a user other than –defapache [user] Fixed issue…

New csf v14.04

Changes: Added two new options: CC_MESSENGER_ALLOW, CC_MESSENGER_DENY. These options can control which Country Code IP blocks are redirected to the MESSENGER service, if it is enabled Fixed some typos in csf.conf Added DirectAdmin diagnostics to the admin UI for session…

New cxs v12.03

Changes: DirectAdmin moved from BETA to RELEASE for RHEL/CentOS/CL Added new option –vmmax [kB]. This will abort a scan if the VmRSS size of the process exceeds this value to prevent memory exhaustion. By default it is set to 2000000…

New csf v14.03

Changes: Updated DSHIELD blocklist to use https Updated Server Check PHP EOL information Improved DA session checking Improved DA Server Check report Modified cpanel.comodo.allow and cpanel.comodo.ignore with an additional IP address MESSENGERv3 now out of BETA testing Added UDP ports…

We have migrated to a new server

If you find you are having issues connecting to our websites you may need to flush your local DNS or wait 24 hours for the DNS to redirect you. If you are Country Code Blocking, you need to ensure our…

New osm v1.25

Changes: Added configuration option for packet scanning ports. This can be modified if desired, provided the implications are understood Fixed UI help html Added a read timeout to the pcap_open_live function to reduce timeout polling and to buffer multiple packets…