Added command to remove pure-ftpd configuration from local pure-ftpd cPanel config file. This will only affect upgrades from pre v13.0. If the upgrade to 13.00 has already been done, then this will have to be done manually using the root shell command:
sed -i “/^CallUploadScript/d” /var/cpanel/conf/pureftpd/local
Fixed –threads [auto] calculation on servers with 4 or fewer CPUs
NOTICE: Removed the long deprecated cxs integration with pure-ftpd. If this option was still installed and enabled, then this version of cxs will automatically stop and uninstall the pure-ftpd integration with cxs and cannot be re-enabled
Fixed issue with missing Account Creation Hook with cPanel install which prevented cxswatch detecting newly created cPanel accounts
Released a new and improved Bayesian database
Added new probability level of “veryhigh” which is now the default level for –paction [level] if B is added to quarantine/delete options
Renamed –[no]bayes to –[no]probability
Renamed –breport [level] to –preport [level]
Renamed –baction [level] to –paction [level]
Note: the old commands continue to work as synonyms so no changes to existing installations is needed
Added Probability results to the Scan Summary if enabled