
New MailScanner Installer Script v5.09


  • Modified to move all waiting email to the top level of exim/spool/input to force it to be reprocessed
  • Fixed installation instructions for CloudLinux v8 and two perl modules

New MSFE v9.25


  • Added exim requeue option to MSFE menu

Warning: Exim v4.97 breaks MailScanner

An update that was made to exim v4.97 has broken the functionality of MailScanner. The update has made the exim Message ID a different length which MailScanner cannot process.

Currently, this issue does not affect cPanel, but does affect DirectAdmin if exim is upgraded to this version. The symptoms are that MailScanner fails to process emails in the queue with errors in the logs stating that it cannot find the ID related spool file.

We have released a modification to MailScanner that addresses this issue:

New MailScanner Front End (MSFE) v9.24


  • For DA add /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
  • Fixed issue when using “Release Resend” would include two “To:” fields
  • Fixed issue when using SQLite