

New osm v1.25

Changes: Added configuration option for packet scanning ports. This can be modified if desired, provided the implications are understood Fixed UI help html Added a read timeout to the pcap_open_live function to reduce timeout polling and to buffer multiple packets…

New cmq v3.02

Changes: Fixed local domain detection on cPanel Added support for Exim named queues method for MailScanner when using MSFE Added ignore SIGPIPE Improved DA session checking

Coming Soon…

Wondering what we’re currently developing? We are getting close to releasing new versions of our MailScanner installer and MailScanner Front-End. This will include: The latest version of MailScanner from source with our tweaks Spambox support (spam is delivered to the…

ConfigServer IP Address Changes

Our download servers are moving to new IP addresses. To ensure continued connectivity for downloads and application updates, please ensure that applications can connect out from servers to TCP ports 80 and 443 for those listed here:

New cxs v12.02

Changes: Fixed issue using +/- in –options causing the UI wizard to fail Fixed issue with –cgi depending on the directory location of the ModSecurity SecTmpDir setting

New cxs v12.01

Changes: Indepth performance profiling and code review Performance improvements to scanning code can now reduce overall scan times by up to 20%-80% depending on type and amount of data scanned Improvements the the Universal Decoder including base64 mapping and significant…

New cmm v2.07

Changes: Ensure UI errors are displayed in browser to avoid blank pages Fixed issue where mail accounts were not being displayed if there was no quota file (i.e. all accounts have always been unlimited)