ConfigServer Services Blog

Control Panel Support

After the fun and panic in the last few days regarding the changes in the control panel landscape, we wanted to provide some information on what we are doing to reassure our customers regarding our development plans for our products.

We are currently working on integration and support of csf, cxs and osm on several control panels including:

  • Directadmin:
    csf is already available and supported
    cxs is already available but not yet supported
    osm is in development
  • InterWorx:
    csf and cxs are both in development and we hope to have versions of both available soon

We will also look into MailScanner support on DirectAdmin with our Front-End (MSFE).

Other control panels may follow, but we don’t have them on our roadmap yet.

We do not yet have timescales, but the work is currently active.

New cxs v10.06


  • Ensure UI errors are displayed in browser to avoid blank pages
  • Decoder improvements: Improve exploit detection
  • Decoder improvements: Added decoding of $GLOBALS[] exploits
  • Decoder improvements: Added variable value replacement for quoted alphanumeric values
  • Decoder improvements: Improvements to –YTIDY output

Download Product SHA256 Checksums

We have added a single downloadable text file that contains SHA256 checksums for all of our products. The file is linked to from each product download/installation page. The checksum within the file for each product refers to the latest version that can be downloaded from our site.

The latest SHA256 checksums of all our products can be downloaded here: checksums.txt

New csf v12.12


  • Updated CloudFlare code to use GET instead of POST to retrieve the id of an entry as POST in the API is no longer working, which affected entry deletion
  • Modified –denyrm [ip] to not remove “do not delete” entries. This now must be done by editing /etc/csf/csf.deny to prevent unintentional unblocking, e.g. by MESSENGER reCAPTCHA or the UI
  • MESSENGERv2: Set KeepAlive to Off
  • Added new csf CLI cluster option: -cir, –cirm ip
    This will remove the IP from each remote /etc/csf/csf.ignore member and then restart lfd. This has also been added to the UI
  • Added missing comment to cluster –ctempdeny entries
  • Added missing timestamp to cluster –cignore entries
  • Cluster command –cignore now checks for duplicates

New osm v1.20


  • Fixed issues with %age event logging in osmd.log
  • Added new UI option “Monitor osmd Activity”. This allows monitoring of the events that osmd is currently tracking

New cxs v10.05


  • Speed and resource improvements to universal decoder
  • Improved resilience of universal decoder when attempting to detect encoded data source