New csf v12.12


  • Updated CloudFlare code to use GET instead of POST to retrieve the id of an entry as POST in the API is no longer working, which affected entry deletion
  • Modified –denyrm [ip] to not remove “do not delete” entries. This now must be done by editing /etc/csf/csf.deny to prevent unintentional unblocking, e.g. by MESSENGER reCAPTCHA or the UI
  • MESSENGERv2: Set KeepAlive to Off
  • Added new csf CLI cluster option: -cir, –cirm ip
    This will remove the IP from each remote /etc/csf/csf.ignore member and then restart lfd. This has also been added to the UI
  • Added missing comment to cluster –ctempdeny entries
  • Added missing timestamp to cluster –cignore entries
  • Cluster command –cignore now checks for duplicates