ConfigServer Services Blog

New cmq v3.02


  • Fixed local domain detection on cPanel
  • Added support for Exim named queues method for MailScanner when using MSFE
  • Added ignore SIGPIPE
  • Improved DA session checking

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v9.00


  • Added BETA support for DirectAdmin on RHEL/CentOS/CL v7 and v8. This only uses the new Exim named queue method which requires Exim v4.93+
  • Added support for SpamBox delivery to <mailbox>.spam folder (SpamBox) on cPanel and DirectAdmin
  • Added support for Exim named queue method for MailScanner. Targeted, better use of resources, independent of cPanel configuration. Not all outgoing email scanned or logged to mailcontrol. Requires Exim v4.93+
  • Added MySQL v8.0 support
  • RHEL/CentOS/CL v8.1 OS support
  • Removed use of Mail::Sender as it is now deprecated
  • Moved /usr/mscpanel to /usr/msfe (symlink added for backwards compatibility)
  • MailControl UI now performs to/from sorts by domain and then email address rather than just email address

New MailScanner Installer (msinstall) v5.00


  • Added BETA support for DirectAdmin on RHEL/CentOS/CL v7 and v8. This application will NOT function on DirectAdmin servers without our MailScanner Front-End product
  • Update MailScanner code from v5.3.3 source and apply WTTW fixups
  • Added support for new Exim named queues method for MailScanner when using MSFE – requires Exim v4.93+
  • RHEL/CentOS/CL v8.1 OS support
  • Moved /usr/mscpanel to /usr/msfe (symlink added for backwards compatibility)
  • Renamed /usr/msfe/ to /usr/msfe/ (symlink added for backwards compatibility)
  • Added run of and sa-update to mailscanner_daily.cron

Coming Soon…

Wondering what we’re currently developing?

We are getting close to releasing new versions of our MailScanner installer and MailScanner Front-End. This will include:

  1. The latest version of MailScanner from source with our tweaks
  2. Spambox support (spam is delivered to the users Spam subfolder) which is enabled for the installation, plus on a per domain basis by the user
  3. DirectAdmin beta support, this includes installing MailScanner plus our Admin and end-User UI’s
  4. New exim integration for cPanel (and required for DirectAdmin) using Exims Named Queues. This allows for a very simple Exim integration which only scans relayed SMTP email. This reduces server load and can improve stability because: It only requires a single exim process, rather than the current two; only SMTP email is scanned (not outgoing via the exim binary); does not rely on Control Panel integration setup for Exim
  5. MySQL v8 support
  6. RHEL/CentOS/CL v8 support

The development work has been completed, testing and bug fixing is currently in progress and we’re hoping to release by the end of this month.

New cxs v12.02


  • Fixed issue using +/- in –options causing the UI wizard to fail
  • Fixed issue with –cgi depending on the directory location of the ModSecurity SecTmpDir setting

New cxs v12.01


  • Indepth performance profiling and code review
  • Performance improvements to scanning code can now reduce overall scan times by up to 20%-80% depending on type and amount of data scanned
  • Improvements the the Universal Decoder including base64 mapping and significant performance improvements
  • The option –voptions [] has been removed as it provided little performance benefit with reduced efficacy
  • Improved plesk user detection based on the hosting and sys_user tables in the psa D/B
  • Updated documentation
  • NOTICE: We are deprecating support for Virtuozzo/OpenVZ servers. Future releases will not take into consideration those platforms which have become onerous to support. The software application may continue to work but support and functionality is no longer guaranteed

New cmm v2.07


  • Ensure UI errors are displayed in browser to avoid blank pages
  • Fixed issue where mail accounts were not being displayed if there was no quota file (i.e. all accounts have always been unlimited)

New OSM v1.24


  • Added hostname to osm report email Subject
  • Fixed issue where csf IP blocks within report UI were not being actioned
  • Fixed issue with Report UI html output formatting
  • Fixed issue with existing firewall IP blocks not being identified in Report UI

New csf v14.02


  • Added new BETA TESTING option: MESSENGERV3. This provides the MESSENGER service utilising the local webserver. It currently supports Apache v2.4+ and Litespeed/Openlitespeed. As the first iteration this likely contains bugs and may not be suitable for production environments. See csf.conf and readme.txt for more information
  • Changed Country Code Lookup source to
  • Added CC_ALLOW_SMTPAUTH to all configurations for the benefit of servers other than cPanel running Exim
  • Modify CC_ALLOW_FILTER to allow RELATED, ESTABLISHED connections through so that outgoing connection replies from remote sites not in CC_ALLOW_FILTER are accepted
  • Added a note in csf.conf regarding MESSENGER_CHILDREN, that consideration needs to be made for local images displayed on the page. The default has also been increased to 20 for new installations Modifications to MESSENGER server to speed up connection response time and improve stability
  • Modifications to LFD UI and CLUSTER server to improve stability
  • Added SUDO login alerts: LF_SUDO_EMAIL_ALERT. This will send an email alert using the sudoalert.txt template whenever there is a failed or successful SUDO connection. SUDO_LOG must be set to the correct log file. LF_SUDO_EMAIL_ALERT is disabled by default
  • Added new entry in csf.pignore on cPanel servers for v86+:
  • Added Server Check for EOL PHP v7.1
  • Removed cPanel update checks from the Server Report now that the options are no longer available in cPanel v86+
  • NOTICE: We are deprecating support for Virtuozzo/OpenVZ servers. Future releases will not take into consideration those platforms which have become onerous to support. The software application may continue to work but support and functionality is no longer guaranteed