ConfigServer Services Blog

New cxs v3.08



  • Implemented new cxswatch log tail code
  • UI display changes
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions


New csf v6.31


  • Fixed “Deny Server IPs” option in UI
  • Additional SSHD regex
  • Enable account tracking for LF_CPANEL login failures to allow for LF_DISTATTACK detection
  • Ignore Server Check for register_globals for PHP v5.4+
  • Added new option UI_SSL_VERSION, to allow the setting of the SSL protocol version that the UI server allows
  • Added window Detach option to UI search system logs
  • UI display changes
  • Fixed files permissions issue affecting System Graphs and lfd Graphs in DA


New csf v6.29


  • Removed CLUSTER_PORT from sanity checking
  • Modified changelog to state that HTACCESS_LOG needs to be correct for nginx LF_HTACCESS regexes
  • Added new UI option to watch (tail) system log files listed in /etc/csf/csf.syslogs
  • Added new UI option to search (grep) system log files listed in /etc/csf/csf.syslogs
  • Improvements to “View iptables Log” output in UI
  • Enable “SSL_honor_cipher_order” for UI IO::Socket::SSL sessions


New csf v6.27


  • Modified Apache regexes for Apache v2.4+
  • Fixed UI configurable lines display for lfd.log
  • Fixed length display text for CLUSTER_KEY in csf.conf
  • Ignore suspendedpage.cgi triggers for LF_SYMLINK on cPanel servers
  • Updated sanity checks and ranges for csf.conf settings
  • Added RESTRICT_UI to Server Check recommended options
  • Modified Virtuozzo/OpenVZ FTP port check to verify kernel version before issuing PASV port warning
  • Added new setting PS_DIVERSITY. To specify how many different ports qualifies as a Port Scan you can increase this value. The risk in doing so will mean that persistent attempts to attack a specific closed port will not be detected and blocked. The setting defaults to the original setting of 1
  • Added 3 LF_HTACCESS regexes for nginx. Remember to set MODSEC_LOG correctly for the location of the nginx error log

New cxs v3.07


  • Allow (limited) scans via UI in restricted mode
  • Added Change Time (–ctime [hours]) option to UI
  • If –quarantine has been disabled, ensure all reports contain a warning message with explanation


New cxs v3.06


  • Fixed bug with broken –cgi option ( from v3.05
  • Fixed UI configurable lines display for cxswatch.log
  • Remove immutable and append-only flags from files when moving files to quarantine or deleting
  • Fixed supplied test/test.php for newer PHP versions