ConfigServer Services Blog

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v7.31


  • MailControl: Added new option in MailControl Settings to Modify database when Learn as Ham/Spam is used. This will change the database and how those messages and statistics are presented. The option is disabled by default
  • MailControl: If subject found in database header record, use that and decode any MIME subject. This helps with the display of non-Latin characters

Changes in v7.30:

  • MailControl: Statistics html changes to remove excess white space
  • MailControl: Added Daily Totals table  and graph to Statistics
  • Added icon image for cPanel WHM plugin

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v7.28


  • MailControl: Added new setting to configure Statistics ip lookups to be via ajax, inline or disabled
  • MailControl: Statistics ip lookups are now permformed via ajax by default to speed up initial page load
  • MailControl: Modified Statistics for relay and spam IP’s to use clientip rather than extracting IP’s from the header as only this is guaranteed to be true and also speeds up the queries
  • MailControl: Added Search option for all Statistics results

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v7.27


  • Improve mail file detection
  • Removed redundant file slurps
  • Added a new option to MailControl Settings to attempt to fix bayes d/b issues
  • Added a new option to MailControl Settings to create a new bayes d/b

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v7.23


  • MailControl: Blacklisted spam is no longer listed along with High Scoring spam
  • MailControl: Added setting that uses a SpamCop reporting address which adds additional bulk and email options to report an email directly to your SpamCop accopunt if you have one
  • Code review – started addressing perl critic suggestions in mailscanner.cgi
  • Removed Bareword file handles in mailscanner.cgi

New csf v9.27


  • Fix for UI Quick Unblock button
  • Fix for UI main page [ENTER] not working on all forms