ConfigServer Services Blog

New cxs v11.01


  • Improved UI display in DirectAdmin
  • Added alternative clamd location to UI for DirectAdmin
  • Added ModSecurity hook configuration to UI for DirectAdmin
  • Updated POD to reflect support for DirectAdmin and InterWorx
  • Created cronjob to check for new product versions for the UI (/etc/cron.daily/csget). A manual check is still available if needed. This does not affect the daily upgrade check if enabled
  • Fixed PATH issue in DirectAdmin installer when used from within the UI to upgrade

New csf v13.02


  • Removed perl CGI::Carp module use from the DirectAdmin reseller UI as the module may not be present

New csf v13.01


  • Added reseller support in InterWorx
  • Added reseller support in DirectAdmin
  • Added login failure detection on InterWorx (v6.3.16+). If LF_INTERWORX is enabled, INTERWORX_LOG will be scanned for login failures to NodeWorx and SiteWorx. This is enabled by default on all InterWorx installations
  • Fixed text in Firewall.php stub in InterWorx
  • Improved UI display in DA
  • Improved UI display in InterWorx
  • Fixed InterWorx UI issue with “Service Status” NodeWorx feature caused by Firewall.php stub
  • Created cronjob to check for new product versions for the UI (/etc/cron.daily/csget). A manual check is still available if needed. This does not affect the daily upgrade check if enabled

New csf v13.00


  • Added InterWorx integration and InterWorx panel specific configuration. See /etc/csf/readme.txt for more information (only tested on CentOS v7)
  • Added InterWorx regex detection for proftpd, dovecot imap, dovecot pop3, and smtp auth login failures. Added regex detection for LF_DISTSMTP and LF_DISTFTP. Added regex detection for LF_CXS and LF_MODSEC. Added Login
    Tracking for LT_POP3D and LT_IMAPD
  • Ensure UI errors are displayed in browser to avoid blank pages
  • Display install.txt if perl module checks fail
  • Reworked DirectAdmin UI to display within the parent template

New cxs v11.00


  • Added official BETA InterWorx support. While this should now integrate and work on InterWorx, there may be bugs which should be reported and features either missing or not working correctly. We do not offer free installation on InterWorx until it is out of BETA (only tested on CentOS v7). Note: Support is ONLY for non-EOL RHEL/CentOS/CloudLinux
  • Added official BETA DirectAdmin support. While this should now integrate and work on DirectAdmin, there may be bugs which should be reported and features either missing or not working correctly. We do not offer free installation on DirectAdmin until it is out of BETA (only tested on CentOS v7). Note: Support is ONLY for non-EOL RHEL/CentOS/CloudLinux
  • Fixed issue with base64 encoding of entries for the database queueing mechanism that made the db update process fail via the cron job and when entering cxs Control
  • Improved error trapping in SQL command execution
  • Fixed issue with ajax calls not always returning completely
  • Removed deprecated Quarantine view in UI
  • Reworked DirectAdmin UI to display within the parent template
  • Install install.txt if perl module checks fail for installation details
  • Ensure Linux::Inotify2 perl module is installed
  • Updated install.txt information with more detailed instructions

Control Panel Support

After the fun and panic in the last few days regarding the changes in the control panel landscape, we wanted to provide some information on what we are doing to reassure our customers regarding our development plans for our products.

We are currently working on integration and support of csf, cxs and osm on several control panels including:

  • Directadmin:
    csf is already available and supported
    cxs is already available but not yet supported
    osm is in development
  • InterWorx:
    csf and cxs are both in development and we hope to have versions of both available soon

We will also look into MailScanner support on DirectAdmin with our Front-End (MSFE).

Other control panels may follow, but we don’t have them on our roadmap yet.

We do not yet have timescales, but the work is currently active.

New cxs v10.06


  • Ensure UI errors are displayed in browser to avoid blank pages
  • Decoder improvements: Improve exploit detection
  • Decoder improvements: Added decoding of $GLOBALS[] exploits
  • Decoder improvements: Added variable value replacement for quoted alphanumeric values
  • Decoder improvements: Improvements to –YTIDY output