ConfigServer Services Blog

New cxs v6.21


  • Increased size of data retrieved to determine file type to improve detection of exploits hiding in image files

New cmq v1.31


  • UI html fixes
  • Consolidate images, css and javascript
  • Cleared mail action modal between views to avoid confusion

New csf v9.23


  • Added upgrade note to the top of the UI if available
  • UI improvements for integrated cse and interface to cxs
  • Added Scroll to Top/Bottom buttons
  • Consolidate images, css and javascript into a common directory in the installer

New cxs v6.20


  • Added Scroll to Top/Bottom buttons
  • Added back the warning regarding the UI ModSecurity enable option
  • Consolidate images, css and javascript into a common directory in the installer
  • Fixed cxs version display in UI footer

New cxs v6.19


  • Modified UI to use container-fluid to improve whitespace use
  • Modified pre tags to wrap on whitespace
  • Added upgrade note to the top of the UI if available
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New csf v9.22


  • Modify UI temporary IP deny buttons to not wrap in table
  • Modified UI Statistics images to be responsive
  • Modified readme.txt to detail additional UI styling options
  • Added two new options STYLE_CUSTOM and STYLE_MOBILE relating to UI styling
  • Globalised SIGNALs where needed to help prevent zombie children
  • Modified UI to use container-fluid to improve whitespace use
  • Modified pre tags to wrap on whitespace

New csf v9.20


  • Redesigned UI based on Bootstrap
  • New functionality: Added integrated mobile device view with subset of functionsModified csf to not warn about the SENDMAIL binary if LF_ALERT_SMTP is enabled
  • Added use of the ace editor if present on cPanel installs to edit files. Added toggle to switch back to textarea. Added buttons to decrease and increase font size in editor
  • Modified readme.txt to include information regarding changing styles and disabling Mobile View

Note: If you want to downgrade to csf v9.14 you can download it from here, then remember to disable AUTO_UPDATES to prevent upgrades.

New MSFE v6.05 (Security Update)


  • SECURITY: Removed the FILE privilege from the mailwatch MySQL user to avoid potential issues with CVE-2016-6662 MySQL vulnerability.

All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release of MSFE immediately