ConfigServer Services Blog

New csf v12.10


  • Added routine to select from multiple download servers for script updates
  • Added Sectigo (formerly Comodo) IPv6 DCV addresses to cpanel.comodo.allow and cpanel.comodo.ignore
  • Added support to LF_CXS for litespeed logs on cPanel
  • Added exception to csf.fignore for NodeJS yarn temporary files in cPanel v80

New cxs v10.01


  • Added new option –threads [num]. This advanced option allows cxs to utilise multiple CPU cores when performing a scan under specific conditions. See the documentation for more information
  • Improved detection when clamd is not running which forced cxs to abort with a socket error

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v8.25


  • Fixed race condition in MailControl on the session file when viewing multiple emails
  • Fixed issue where Search and Batch processing restarted refresh while paused
  • Fixed issue when refresh enabled but not honouring pause on page reload or navigation within MailControl

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v8.24


  • Added post upcp hook to restart MailScanner to better copy with cPanel perl upgrades
  • Added Pause/Resume button to MailControl
  • Added Spam Report as shown in headers (in addition to existing breakdown)
  • Modified MailControl “View Details” in a separate window, to not show full WHM template when main table is not in a separate window

New cxs v10.00


  • Added new option to allow in-place quarantine by renaming file. –qrename renames a file based on the new –qroptions [] list. The file remains within the users directory but with a new file extension. See the documentation for more information
  • Added new option to allow in-place quarantine by chmoding file. –qchmod [perms] changes the file permissions provided based on the new –qcoptions [] list. The file remains within the users directory but with the new file permissions. See the documentation for more information
  • Improved detection of corrupt license file. If the license file is corrupt it will be removed and a new one retrieved next time cxs is invoked under the root account
  • Added routine to select from multiple download servers for script updates
  • Fixed bug with empty string for –qoptions and –doptions

New cse v2.05


  • Added routine to select from multiple download servers for script updates

New cmm v2.06


  • Added routine to select from multiple download servers for script updates

New cmc v3.02


  • Added routine to select from multiple download servers for script updates