Added new option –qoptions [mMOLfSGchexdnwTEv]. By default –quarantine [dir]> will move all file matches. If –qoptions [] is also used then only the selected file types will be moved
Added –qoptions [mMOLfSGchexdnwTEv] to UI
Improvements to –decode ([D]) option
Added –upgrade timer to sleep for up to 1800 seconds when running as a cron job to avoid overloading the license server
Added the the –jumpfrom [user] and –jumpto [user] options to the UI
Modified the –jumpfrom [user], –jumpto [user] options so a special value can be used for the from and to [user] using a single letter then a plus sign to scan those users whose name begins with the letter specified (not case sensitive). Again, this is inclusive. For example, to scan all accounts beginning with k through to g use: –jumpfrom k+ –jumpto g+
Updated RELAY regex to detect the dovecot/courier login authentication methods on cPanel servers
Updated Server Check Report to reflect cPanel/WHM changes in v11.28, including additional checks and updating reference text
Added checks to LF_DIRWATCH_FILE to ensure watched resources exist on startup and while running a check. Those that do not exist are ignored and logged in lfd.log
Improvements to –decode ([D]) option. If the final decode depth results in a php Parse error, the previous depth is scanned instead. This improves the likelihood of a successful decode and scan
Improvements to –decode ([D]) option. Decode PHP scripts in memory using the interactive php interpreter instead of using temporary files
Improvements to –decode ([D]) option. Add timeout to php interpreter to avoid decoding hangs
Added the ability to use –quarantine and –delete when performing a manual or scheduled scan. However, since the likelihood of a false-positive is relatively high, this is not recommended without care and understanding of the implications
Added test for existence of –quarantine [dir]. If it does not exist an error will be shown and the scan will continue with the quarantine directive disabled
New –options [Z]. This option decompresses archives (e.q. zip, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 files) and scans each file within the archive using the same options provided to the original scan
Added –options [Z] to WHM UI
Updated perl modules requirements to now include: Archive::Zip and Archive::Tar
Cater for single quotes in cron jobs in the WHM UI