Server Software and Configuration Services
New MailScanner Front-End v4.40
– Fixed Deprecation issues for PHP in cPanel v11.36+ in mailwatch
– Fixed Deprecation issues for PHP in cPanel v11.36+ in mailwatch
– Ensure cxswatch is stopped, disabled and removed on cxs uninstall
– Added cleaned script code scanning to text match and decoder regex detection to improve exploit script detection
– Modified –help to use the POD paginated viewer
– Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions
cPanel v11.36 has now entered the STABLE tree and you will notice that most of your addon perl scripts failing. You can resolve this easily with our addons by reinstalling them. We have provided a simple script that can do this for you that we posted previously. This has to be done regardless as to whether you are running the latest versions:
This script will update: cmm, cmc, cmq, cse, csf, cxs, msinstall, msfe
Only those scripts that are already installed will be updated. Those that are updated are done so regardless as to whether they are the same or an older version of those available.
To use this method you must be logged into root via SSH to the server and then run:
curl -s | perl
You should take care to read through the output to ensure that all the upgrades have worked as expected.
– Added alternative php binary locations for generic installations
– Improvements to –decode ([D])
– Added new advanced PHP decoder
– Exploit regex definitions database additions
– Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions
– Fixed issue with processing /proc/PID/stat for process information
– Improvements to –decode ([D])
– Repurposed –options [u] to specifically highlight scripts only within directories deemed suspicious, rather than general directories such as /image/ or /upload(s)/. This should make the option more useful and help avoid false-positives
– Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions
– Prevent csf/lfd from failing to run if a non-critical configuration file does not exist
– In webmin, force table stylesheet to override webmin css. Requires webmin module reinstall on existing installations
– Improvements to minimal perl module detection on new installs
– Bugfix for default perl shebang
– Implement slurp routine for configuration files to cater for incorrect linefeeds
– Ignore leading and trailing spaces from lines in configuration files
– Fixed Include statements in csf.ignore not implemented in lfd
– Additional debug logging for RT_*_LIMIT added
– Replaced call to Time::HiRes::sleep with standard sleep
– Additional dovecot entries in csf.pignore for new installations
– Include gzdecode() detection for PHP scripts
– Switched from using LWP to HTTP::Tiny to reduce memory footprint and reliance on the LWP perl module. The HTTP::Tiny module is included in the distribution, so no further action is necessary
– Modified cxs watch daemon to use POSIX::setsid()
– Modified cxs quarantine routine to reduce memory footprint
– Modified loading of Pod::Usage only if necessary to reduce memory footprint
– Modified cxs watch to not fail startup if new watch resource disappears before completion
– Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions