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- If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones
- Updated uninstall information
- UI Changes
- Implemented new cxswatch log tail code
- UI display changes
- Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions
- Fixed “Deny Server IPs” option in UI
- Additional SSHD regex
- Enable account tracking for LF_CPANEL login failures to allow for LF_DISTATTACK detection
- Ignore Server Check for register_globals for PHP v5.4+
- Added new option UI_SSL_VERSION, to allow the setting of the SSL protocol version that the UI server allows
- Added window Detach option to UI search system logs
- UI display changes
- Fixed files permissions issue affecting System Graphs and lfd Graphs in DA
- Prevent HTML rendering of watch and search system log file output
- Removed CLUSTER_PORT from sanity checking
- Modified changelog to state that HTACCESS_LOG needs to be correct for nginx LF_HTACCESS regexes
- Added new UI option to watch (tail) system log files listed in /etc/csf/csf.syslogs
- Added new UI option to search (grep) system log files listed in /etc/csf/csf.syslogs
- Improvements to “View iptables Log” output in UI
- Enable “SSL_honor_cipher_order” for UI IO::Socket::SSL sessions