ConfigServer Services Blog

New cxs v3.12


  • Fixed cxs uninstaller removing csf UI files on cPanel installs
  • Added phpBB version checking to –options [s]. This requires the perl modules DBI and DBD::mysql to be installed
  • Added phpMyAdmin, Zen Cart, osCommerce and VirtueMart version checking to –options [s]


New cxs v3.11


  • Added to RECOMMENDATIONS to still run a regular scan without –ctime [hours] to ensure new scan techniques and exploit signatures are used to check all existing files
  • Fixed directory creation on installation for unofficial DA plugin
  • Improved performance of file slurping and therefore scanning
  • Added new –options [s] that will search for a few common web script installations and report if older than the latest version on record. See documentation for more information
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions


New cxs v3.10


  • Changed –throttle [num] to prevent throttling triggering a –timemax [secs] timeout
  • Added detection for some PHP JPEG and TIFF EXIF exploits
  • Improvements to image and zip file type detection
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New csf v6.33


  • Modified LF_PERMBLOCK to perform IP lookup on blocked IP
  • Perform modprobe when using FASTSTART on server boot to ensure iptables modules are loaded
  • Modified migration detection for particularly old csf installations
  • Check that TAIL and GREP exist and are executable in UI

New cxs v3.09


  • Improvements to Virtuozzo/OpenVZ system detection where /proc/vz/veinfo does not exist
  • Added TimeStamp to the top of the scan report
  • If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones


New csf v6.32


  • Applied UI changes to inbuilt cse and Reseller UI’s
  • Improvements to Virtuozzo/OpenVZ system detection where /proc/vz/veinfo does not exist
  • Added System Check on cPanel servers for disable-security-tokens
  • If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones


New cse v1.12


  • If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones

New cmq v1.18


  • If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones

New cmm v1.26


  • If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones