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Fixed cxs uninstaller removing csf UI files on cPanel installs
Added phpBB version checking to –options [s]. This requires the perl modules DBI and DBD::mysql to be installed
Added phpMyAdmin, Zen Cart, osCommerce and VirtueMart version checking to –options [s]
Added to RECOMMENDATIONS to still run a regular scan without –ctime [hours] to ensure new scan techniques and exploit signatures are used to check all existing files
Fixed directory creation on installation for unofficial DA plugin
Improved performance of file slurping and therefore scanning
Added new –options [s] that will search for a few common web script installations and report if older than the latest version on record. See documentation for more information
Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions
Changed –throttle [num] to prevent throttling triggering a –timemax [secs] timeout
Added detection for some PHP JPEG and TIFF EXIF exploits
Improvements to image and zip file type detection
Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions
Modified LF_PERMBLOCK to perform IP lookup on blocked IP
Perform modprobe when using FASTSTART on server boot to ensure iptables modules are loaded
Modified migration detection for particularly old csf installations
Check that TAIL and GREP exist and are executable in UI
If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones
Improvements to Virtuozzo/OpenVZ system detection where /proc/vz/veinfo does not exist
Added TimeStamp to the top of the scan report
If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones
Applied UI changes to inbuilt cse and Reseller UI’s
Improvements to Virtuozzo/OpenVZ system detection where /proc/vz/veinfo does not exist
Added System Check on cPanel servers for disable-security-tokens
If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones
If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones
If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones
If /etc/csuibuttondisable exists then the UI buttons will revert for those that cannot cope with the themed ones