ConfigServer Services Blog

New csf v6.35


  • Security fix with included cse when using inbuilt User Interface: prevent XSS due to malicious directory/file names

New cse v1.14


  • Security fix: prevent XSS due to malicious directory/file names

New cxs v3.13


  • UI button style modifications
  • Added phpList, Moodle, Magento Community Edition and MediaWiki version checking to –options [s]
  • Modified POD to screen wrap HTML code more effectively


New csf v6.34


  • Load DYNDNS and GLOBAL_DYNDNS from last known values when restarting csf instead of waiting for lfd to load the initial rules
  • Improved performance of file slurping
  • Cluster documentation correction in readme.txt
  • UI button style modifications
  • Added specific check for Spamhaus drop lists so that retrieval is never attempted beofer 2 hours elapses between attempts whether those retrieval attempts are successful or not
  • Improvements to SSHD regexes
  • Modified mod_security logging to include the last triggered rule id if present