ConfigServer Services Blog

New cxs v4.08


  • Removed redundant v3 quarantine code
  • Removed displaying “i” during scan if file ignored as it is not particularly helpful
  • Updates to Piwik and ownCloud version detection
  • Form design elements added
  • Change to –sizemax [bytes] behaviour. In the past a file > [bytes] in size was ignored, now  the file will be scanned but only the initial [bytes] of the file will be scanned
  • Added decoding of octal as well as hex encoded characters for PHP scripts
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions


New csf v6.39


  • Added error output from IO::Socket::INET for CLUSTER_* commands from csf if present
  • UI HTML fixes and form design elements added
  • Improved error report for invalid csf.conf lines
  • Removed Server Check tmp mountpoint checks


New csf v6.38


  • Parameterise calls to system and Open3 where possible
  • HTTP::Tiny upgraded to v0.039
  • Modifications to
  • Removed the UI “Pre-configured settings for Low, Medium or High” as they are outdated and meaningless. Users should go through the csf configuration and setup the firewall for their individual server needs
  • Translate ampersand for HTML output
  • Modified csf.blocklist for new installations to use the SSL URL for the TOR exit list now that they have forced redirection from the non-SSL URL, with a note to change URLGET to use LWP
  • Modified csf.blocklist for new installations to specify an alternative TOR exit node list