ConfigServer Services Blog

New csf v10.14


  • Made configuration checks on iptables more fault tolerant to avoid unnecessary failures while loading
  • Removed from csf.blocklists for new and existing installs
  • More generic binaries added to csf.pignore


csf GREENSNOW blocklist and PayPal IPN

If you are using the GREENSNOW blocklist in /etc/csf/csf.blocklists then please note that one of the paypal notify IP addresses is currently being listed. This will affect PayPal IPN notification to stores.

The IPN they (greensnow) are blocking is:

We have reported this to them, but in the meantime you might want to either disable the GREENSNOW blocklist (then restart csf and then lfd) or whitelist the blocked IP address in /etc/csf/csf.allow using:

tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal Notify
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal Notify

Then restart csf and then lfd.

To avoid such instances in the future you may wish to whitelist the IP addresses involved with PayPal IPN by adding the following to csf.allow:

tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal Notify
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal Notify
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal Notify
tcp|in|d=80|s= # Paypal Notify

tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal IPN do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal Notify do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal Notify do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal Notify do not delete
tcp|in|d=443|s= # Paypal Notify do not delete

And the following to csf.ignore: # Paypal IPN # Paypal IPN # Paypal IPN # Paypal IPN # Paypal IPN # Paypal IPN # Paypal IPN # Paypal IPN # Paypal IPN # Paypal Notify # Paypal Notify # Paypal Notify # Paypal Notify

Remember to restart csf and then lfd after making any changes.

For up to date IP lists, see this link.

…and yes, we fell afoul of this.

New cxs v6.38


  • Configured UI to fully integrate with cPanel templates without using iframes
  • Configured UI to display full cPanel breadcrumbs
  • Configured UI to support cPanel v66 WHM UI changes

New csf v10.12


  • Configured UI to fully integrate with cPanel templates without using iframes
  • Configured UI to display full cPanel breadcrumbs
  • Configured UI to support cPanel v66 WHM UI changes

New cse v2.02


  • Configured UI to fully integrate with cPanel templates without using iframes
  • Configured UI to display full cPanel breadcrumbs
  • Configured UI to support cPanel v66 WHM UI changes

New cmq v2.07


  • Configured UI to fully integrate with cPanel templates without using iframes
  • Configured UI to display full cPanel breadcrumbs
  • Configured UI to support cPanel v66 WHM UI changes

New cmm v2.02


  • Configured UI to fully integrate with cPanel templates without using iframes
  • Configured UI to display full cPanel breadcrumbs
  • Configured UI to support cPanel v66 WHM UI changes