ConfigServer Services Blog

IMPORTANT: New MailScanner Script v3.13


  • IMPORTANT: We recommend all installations are upgraded to this version to avoid a potential server-wide data loss issue
    Note: This is as a result of code in the original MailScanner distribution, not the installer or configuration itself
  • Hardcoded quarantine directory in ms-clean-quarantine to avoid a major server stability issue if MailScanner.conf is not present
  • Fixed unrelated issue with blank report emails being sent by

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v7.21


  • Moved setting “Keep x days of MySQL database entries” to the MailControl Settings page
  • Added new setting “Keep x days of Quarantine entries” to the MailControl Settings page. This updates /usr/mailscanner/etc/defaults and is also used to modify that file whenever MSFE is upgraded to keep    the setting intact
  • Always show the Full Message button in the MailControl email view
  • Added feature that auto-selects all the text in Full Message view
  • Modified the way virus.scanning.rules works so that virus infected emails can be released from quarantine
  • Ensure is run on upgrade to regenerate rules files

New MailScanner Script v3.12


  • Modified virus.scanning.rules so that it defaults to yes and only exceptions (set to “no”) are listed
  • Updated installer to run /usr/mscpanel/mailcontrol/ to correctly set up the MSFE database driver

New csf v9.26


  • Fix for webmin UI when watching logs
  • Various UI html syntax fixes
  • Reduced UI banner padding
  • Port 23 added to DROP_NOLOG for new installations
  • WAITLOCK taken out of beta
  • Modified UI View Listening Ports
  • Reworked main UI table to produce syntactically correct HTML
  • Fixed duplicate HTML top and bottom page elements

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v7.19


  • MailControl: Ensure all external items that are non-standard and unsafe (for display) ASCII characters are displayed as HTML entities
  • MailControl: Fix IP Block modal html
  • MailControl: Prevent improper wrapping of From/To addresses in table
  • MailControl: Correctly align sacore in Statistics table
  • MailControl: Fix for locating messages in Quarantine
  • MailControl: Fix for batch messages being remembered between processing

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v7.17


  • MailControl: Detect local IP’s and do not offer them for blocking
  • MailControl: Added intermediate page in blocking process to provide more IP address detail and for confirmation and specific reason text
  • MailControl: Added breakout button to main table view
  • MailControl: Remove port number from IPv6 addresses

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v7.15


  • MailControl: Added icon next to IP addresses to block in csf
  • MailControl: Added MailControl setting for the csf block reason text
  • MailControl: Added custom header records to released emails to easily identify them:
    X-MailControl: release forward
    X-MailControl: release resend
  • MailControl: Add report line for spam RBL hits
  • MailControl: Client IP in Email view clickable to Search