ConfigServer Services Blog

New cxs v6.38


  • Configured UI to fully integrate with cPanel templates without using iframes
  • Configured UI to display full cPanel breadcrumbs
  • Configured UI to support cPanel v66 WHM UI changes

New csf v10.12


  • Configured UI to fully integrate with cPanel templates without using iframes
  • Configured UI to display full cPanel breadcrumbs
  • Configured UI to support cPanel v66 WHM UI changes

New cse v2.02


  • Configured UI to fully integrate with cPanel templates without using iframes
  • Configured UI to display full cPanel breadcrumbs
  • Configured UI to support cPanel v66 WHM UI changes

New cmq v2.07


  • Configured UI to fully integrate with cPanel templates without using iframes
  • Configured UI to display full cPanel breadcrumbs
  • Configured UI to support cPanel v66 WHM UI changes

New cmm v2.02


  • Configured UI to fully integrate with cPanel templates without using iframes
  • Configured UI to display full cPanel breadcrumbs
  • Configured UI to support cPanel v66 WHM UI changes

New cmc v2.13


  • Configured UI to fully integrate with cPanel templates without using iframes
  • Configured UI to display full cPanel breadcrumbs
  • Configured UI to support cPanel v66 WHM UI changes

New csf v10.11


  • Modified username regex for csf.syslogusers
  • Fixed issue with /var/lib/csf/lfd.stats excessive growth

New cxs v6.37


  • Changed –force into a boolean, i.e. –[no]force
  • Ensure –upgrade ignores force=1 in /etc/cxs/cxs.defaults unless –force used on CLI
  • Prevent upgrade loop if force=1 in /etc/cxs/cxs.defaults