ConfigServer Services Blog

Server Access Problems

Over the last 12 hours we have suffered server access issues that meant visitors were unable to contact us or view our websites 🙁 We have now resolved the issue and all should be back to normal :)Our apologies for any inconvenience this outage may have caused.

New csf v4.41


  • Added information about runing external iptables commands using and/or to readme.txt
  • Added new CLI option csf –addrm (csf -ar) to remove an IP address from csf.allow and delete the associated iptables rules
  • Removed the need for the MONOLITHIC_KERNEL option and made modprobe perform silently on csf startup. Added the relevant information regarding some Monolithic kernels and the need for a PASV port range hole to readme.txt
  • Added timeout to csf modprobe to avoid startup hanging on buggy kernels

New csf v4.40


  • Added workaround for php –info bug in Server Report when checking PHP configuration settings
  • Modified LF_INTEGRITY to regenerate the md5sum comparison file immediately after a match is found instead of waitng for the next cycle
  • Fixed LF_INTEGRITY aborting if the temporary md5sum file is empty

New csf v4.39


  • Updated csf.conf to clarify that LF_PERMBLOCK_COUNT and LF_NETBLOCK_COUNT with act if more than the number of hits are detected, not on the exact number set
  • Modified csf WHM UI to use csf -u to upgrade csf when a new version is available
  • Added new script /etc/csf/ which will test the servers iptables modules for functionality. The tests are for the required iptables modules and the optional modules for the SMTP_BLOCK, PORTFLOOD and MESSENGER features. This adds a useful diagnostic tool for kernel/iptables problems and to check whether the features above will function
  • Added csf WHM UI option to run
  • Updated the csf install.txt to run before running up csf

New csf v4.38


  • Improved detection of working ipt_owner iptables module on VPS servers such that if ipt_owner does not work SMTP_BLOCK and UID/GID blocks will be automatically disabled and csf will continue to start

New csf v4.37


  • Default setting for ICMP_OUT_RATE set to 0 – this is the recommended setting for cPanel servers which use ping times to determine fastest mirrors for various update functions
  • Modified PT_LOAD_ACTION code to stop duplicate load emails from being send by lfd
  • Moved ETH_DEVICE_SKIP to the top of the INPUT/OUTPUT chains
  • Allow enabling of SMTP_BLOCK and use of UID/GID advanced port filter rules on VPS Servers for as ipt_owner is now apparently supported on the latest kernels. However, if the latest kernel isn’t being used or the VPS host hasn’t included the ipt_owner iptables module for the client VPS, then csf will fail with an error

New csf v4.36


  • Modified Process Tracking to allow regex exceptions in csf.pignore for deleted executable processes

New csf v4.35


  • Modified detection of iptables kernel log lines to cater for alternative formatting
  • Restored the substitution of the NULL separator with spaces for the /proc/PID/cmdline in Process Tracking

New csf v4.34


  • Added code to Process Tracking to translate non-printable characters to especially help detect and report deleted executable file processes
  • WARNING: Removed hard-coded exceptions for spamd, cpanellogd, cpdavd and from If you want to ignore such processes for Process Tracking, you will need to add appropriate ignore rules to csf.pignore for them