ConfigServer Services Blog

New cxs v2.17


  • Added hdir:/quarantine_clamavconnector to the csf.ignore.example file
  • Improvements to php script detection where extension is not .php
  • Filetype detection speedups
  • Filetype differentiation between MS-DOS and MS Windows executables
  • Added new option –Wrefresh. To keep the cxs Watch daemon up to date, it will restart every 7 days by default. To change this interval, you can set B<--Wrefresh [days]>
  • Improvements to the decode regex
  • Exploit regex definitions database additions
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New cxs v2.16


  • Further improvements to the check for PHP code hidden in GIF image files for “hidden script file”, regex matching and decode scanning

New c

New cxs v2.14


  • Improvements to the check for PHP code hidden in GIF image files for “hidden script file”, regex matching and decode scanning
  • Add link to the Changelog when cxs is upgraded
  • If an ignore file us used with cxs Watch daemon and the ignore file is modified, cxs Watch will reload the ignore file and restart the child processes. However, after making a large number of changes to the ignore file or if adding puser: or user: to the ignore file, the cxs Watch daemon should be manually restarted
  • Improved cxs Watch logging when suspicious file found and –Wloglevel set to 0
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New ClamAV v0.97.1

This is a bugfix release recommended for all users. Please refer to theChangeLog file for details.Download : sig

New csf v5.32


  • AUTO_UPDATES enabled for new installations in csf.conf
  • Removed the JS LF_EXPLOIT_CHECK as it is no longer prevalent. If still set in csf.conf it will be ignored
  • Check MESSENGER service to ensure privileges are dropped before starting the daemon
  • Drop privileges when peforming removal during LF_DIRWATCH_DISABLE
  • For new installations, IPV6 enabled if IP6TABLES exists and an IPv6 address is found in the output from IFCONFIG. IPV6_SPI is set according to the kernel version (i.e. whether SPI is supported or not)

New cxs v2.13


  • During cxs Watch startup default to the POSIX locale to avoid error message ambiguity for intotify from the kernel
  • Improvements to –decode ([D]) option
  • Exploit regex definitions database additions
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New cxs v2.12


  • Improvements to –decode ([D]) option
  • Exploit regex definitions database additions
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New csf v5.31


  • Updated the LF_TRIGGER_PERM explaination in csf.conf to properly reflect the possible settings of LF_TRIGGER
  • Perform account name sanitisation checks in lfd

New cxs v2.11


  • Further SECURITY improvements to Quarantine functionality
  • All cxs users should upgrade to this release immediately