ConfigServer Services Blog

New cxs v2.82

– Added new advanced PHP decoder
– Impovements to detection of PHP script file type
– Added new functionality to –xtra [file] to force quarantine of a file with a matching regex if using –quarantine[dir]. See documentation or the latest /etc/cxs/cxs.xtra.example for information
– Exploit regex definitions database additions
– Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New cxs v2.81

– Fixed a false-positive with the main .htaccess regex
– Fixed UI not correctly saving –MD5 to cxs.defaults if set
– Fixed issue with temp file cleanup not reinitialising between scans

New cxs v2.80

Changes in v2.80:
– Add scan type to Quarantine output for each entry
– Added timezone offset to cxs –mail emails
– Improvements to the main decoder regex
– Improvements to advanced PHP decoders to –decode ([D])
– Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

Changes in v2.79:
– Improved settings initialisation when scanning multiple files
– Added xtra supplied md5sum values to the report to help with match identification
– Removed the instructions for installing unofficial ClamAV databases as we don't support them

New cxs v2.78

– Improvements to various advanced PHP decoders
– Exploit regex definitions database additions
– Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New csf v5.71

– Fixed problem processing dd output for ST_DISKW on some systems
– Fixed dovecot imap login failure regex processing
– Added regexes for dovecot pop3 and imap raw logs (i.e. not syslog)

New MailScanner Script v2.86

– Modified installer to use a local copy of the latest version of MailScanner to allow for ConfigServer provided patches
– Added fixes to untaint input to prevent errors about email trying to kill MailScanner

New cxs v2.77

– Ensure htaccess fingerprints only apply to .htaccess files
– On cPanel servers hide the Support icon introduced by cPanel in v11.34
– Added unsupported feature –YSKIPFPREGEX to ignore inbuilt fingerprint regular expression matching when using –options [M], –xtra [file] contents will still match
– Added scanning for jsp scripts
– Added scanning for asp and aspx scripts
– Added scanning for java scripts
– Exploit regex definitions database additions
– Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New cxs v2.75

– Added multiple new advanced PHP decoders
– Improvements to the main decoder regex
– Exploit regex definitions database additions
– Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions