If you receive the following error while attempting to start MailScanner:
Bareword “Cwd::getcwd” not allowed while “strict subs” in use at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Archive/Zip.pm line 552. Compilation failed in require at /usr/mailscanner/lib/MailScanner/Message.pm line 48. BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /usr/mailscanner/lib/MailScanner/Message.pm line 48. Compilation failed in require at /usr/mailscanner/bin/MailScanner line 107. BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /usr/mailscanner/bin/MailScanner line 107.
then it’s likely Archive::Zip has upgraded to v1.29, which causes this problem.Edit (1st July 2009 08:20): The author of Archive::Zip has now released a bugfix for this issue and you can easily fix the issue with:
/scripts/perlinstaller –force Archive::Zip
Check that it installs v1.30 of the perl module, then restart MailScannerNote that if the cpan mirror you are using is stuck on v1.29 and will not update to 1.30, you will need to manually upgrade Archive::Zip:
wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/Archive-Zip-1.30.tar.gztar -xzf Archive-Zip-1.30.tar.gzcd Archive-Zip-1.30perl Makefile.PLmakemake install