ConfigServer Services Blog

New csf v4.86


  • Added Dovecot regex checking for LT_POP3D and LT_IMAPD
  • Modified Server Check for Fedora v10 EOL now that Fedora v12 has been released
  • Improved Dovecot IMAP and POP3D login failure regex
  • Ignore RELAYHOSTS setting for LT_POP3D and LT_IMAPD
  • Fixed TLSCipherSuite Server Check for proftpd
  • Added SSHD regex for “Did not receive identification string from IP” failures

New cxs v1.10


  • Added new check to suspicious file routine to detect text files hiding as image files
  • Made file extension checks case-insensitive
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New RootKit Hunter v1.3.6

Rkhunter have released a new version of the root kit scanner: for our service package:

wget -xzf rkhunter*cd rkhunter-*./ –layout default –install

It does appear to currently throw a false-positive on CentOS v4.8 systems, but you should check this:

Warning: Checking for possible rootkit strings

New csf v4.85


  • Further improvements to ICMP rule filters
  • Added backup mod_security log viewer for non-cPanel servers

New cmc v1.01


  • Fixed broken image icon in the WHM header
  • Switched to a proportional font to display the mod_security log entries to better fit the browser window
  • Increased the lines per mod_security log lines to display from 40 to 200
  • Fixed a display formatting issue with the mod_security log entries

New csf v4.84


  • Mod_security log viewer removed from csf in favour of cmc
  • Improved ICMP rule filtering. This could help some hosts that experience connection issues with csf
  • Added ICMP regex checking to Port Scan Tracking. Add ICMP to PS_PORTS to include this, i.e. to Port Scan for all ports use:PS_PORTS = “0:65535,ICMP”This is now the default on new installations

New cxs v1.09


  • Improved licensing code tolerance on network failure for web and ftp scanning on servers that are behind NAT
  • Exploit regex definitions database updates
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database updates
  • Ftp and web scanning speedups

New cxs v1.08


  • Updated exploit definitions database
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions