ConfigServer Services Blog

New csf v5.68

– New feature added – LF_DIST_INTERVAL. This option provides a separate timing interval for both LF_DISTFTP and LF_DISTSMTP. By default it is set to 300 seconds
– Implemented better handling of repeat blocks when an IP is already temporarily or permanenetly blocked
– Added missing inclusion of Time::HiRes in
– Silence LF_DISTFTP and LF_DISTSMTP ignored IP logging to lfd.log unless DEBUG enabled
– Silence DYNDNS IP address updates to lfd.log unless DEBUG enabled
– RELAYHOSTS setting now defaults to “0” to improve security on cPanel servers
– Increased default value of DENY_IP_LIMIT to 200

New csf v5.67

– Fixed a problem with permanent IP blocking when using LF_SELECT

New csf v5.66

– Implemented a new locking system to try to mitigate an iptables bug when issuing concurrent iptables commands
– Implement flushing on the lfd pid file so that it is always accurate
– Improvements to csf –grep [ip] to escape regular expression matching
– New feature added – LF_REPEATBLOCK. This option instructs csf to deny an already blocked IP address the number of times set. See csf.conf for more information
– New feature added – LF_BLOCKINONLY. This option instructs csf to only block inbound traffic from those IP's and so reduces the number of iptables rules, but at the expense of less effectiveness. See csf.conf for more information
– New feature added – ST_DISKW. This option adds disk write performance statistics to the stats graphs. See csf.conf for more information
– Fixed file location for Debian and derivative OS's for /etc/mysql/my.cnf in Server Check

New cxs v2.74

– Improvements to the daily update mechanism
– Fixed a false-positive with the main .htaccess regex

New cxs v2.73

– Fixed a problem where compressed file depth was not being reset between files causing subsequent compressed files to be skipped from scanning
– Fixed problem where multi-depth compressed files were not being identified by their original filename correctly
– Added compressed file depth to output when matches found

New cxs v2.72

– Added PNG and JPEG filetypes for hidden script scanning
– Fixed an issue where cxs was sometimes leaving temporary files in /tmp after compressed file expansion

New csf v5.65

– Removed some of the command locking as it was causing lfd hangs

New cxs v2.71

– cxs will now treat .htaccess files as script files and fingerprints have been added for common exploits
– Added more information about existing csf anf cxs integration options (i.e. UI, ModSecurity, pure-ftpd)
– Added information that restores from quarantine must be done through the UI
– Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions