ConfigServer Services Blog

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v4.11


  • Modified to work with cPanel v11 new theme API and new WHM theme style. This version will only work with cPanel v11 and cannot be upgraded to from cPanel v10. Third party themes need to properly support the new v11 theme API to work. If MailScanner doesn’t appear then you need to contact your third party theme developer and ask them to fully support the cPanel v11 API (i.e. including cPanel Plugins)
  • Fixed issue with saving cPanel User Settings in WHM for the alternative email address for the spam forwarder

MailScanner disabled after cPanel upgrade to v11

If you find MailScanner is disabled after upgrading to v11 of cPanel (esp. since v11 is now in CURRENT) then run the following:

/scripts/buildeximconf/scripts/mailscannerupdateservice exim restart

That should get things working again. We will be releasing a new version of MSFE soon to support the new v11 theme API.

New csf v2.70


  • Modified to adopt cPanel v11 WHM theme
  • Added ports 2077 and 2078 (cPanel WebDAV server) to csf.conf for new installations for v11 cPanel
  • Added FC5 to the list of (or soon to be) unsupported OS’s
  • Fixed LF_SMTPAUTH not correctly being set to LF_FTPD when upgrading

Fedora Core v5 LifeCycle Warning

For those that still insist on using Fedora Core in a production environment (which Fedora themselves do not recommend) be aware that Fedora Core 7 is due to be released in May. This means that support for Fedora Core 5 will be dropped a month later, meaning that you’ll have to upgrade your OS again unless you maintain all the installed applications yourself (a daunting task): you want a more reliable (i.e. supported) OS then I would strongly recommend you choose RedHat Enterprise (3, 4 or 5) or the equivalent CentOS release, instead. These are enterprise level production OS’s which are supported for years, not months, as is the case for Fedora.

New csf v2.69


  • Added back LF_DIRWATCH_DISABLE functionality securely
  • Fixed bug where a suspicious directory would not be removed with LF_DIRWATCH_DISABLE
  • Added perl module check for File : : Path
  • Added path configuration to tar and chattr in csf.conf
  • Added new option LF_SMTPAUTH which checks for SMTP AUTH exim login failures. When upgrading the new setting will be set to whatever you have LF_FTPD set to

New csf v2.68 – Major Security Fix


  • Security Fix – If you have LF_DIRWATCH_DISABLE on then this can lead to arbitray code being executed in the context of the user running lfd, i.e. root. This option has been disabled in the code until further notice. You will have to manually remove any reported files.
  • Tightened csf file ownerships on installation

*ALL INSTALLATIONS SHOULD BE UPGRADED ASAP TO AVOID POTENTIAL EXPLOITATION*You can upgrade csf either through WHM or from the root shell using:

csf -u

New csf v2.67 – Major Security Fix

Changes:Security fix – A major security issue has been found (thanks to Jeff for informing us) in the LF_DIRWATCH code that can lead to arbitrary code being executed in the context of the user running lfd, i.e. root, if that option is enabled and a hacker has access to create a crafted filename in one of the watched directories. This update closes this hole.*ALL INSTALLATIONS SHOULD BE UPGRADED ASAP TO AVOID POTENTIAL EXPLOITATION*You can upgrade csf either through WHM or from the root shell using:

csf -u