We’ve recently started including the following SpamAssassin score modifications to help boost the identification of incoming spam with MailScanner. To do it yourself, create a file called /etc/mail/spamassassin/configserver.cf and add the following lines:
score BAYES_99 5.0score URIBL_SBL 5.0score URIBL_AB_SURBL 5.0score URIBL_OB_SURBL 5.0score URIBL_PH_SURBL 5.0score URIBL_SC_SURBL 5.0score URIBL_WS_SURBL 5.0score URIBL_JP_SURBL 5.0
Then reload MailScanner:
service MailScanner reload
That’s it. This makes your Bayesian database have a greater say in what is very likely to be spam and also boosts the scores of emails that contain URI’s in known spam from various URI RBL spam lists