Added port 500 to DROP_NOLOG for new installations
Corrected the LF_APACHE_404 lfd log line output
Added startup failure on invalid PORTFLOOD settings
Make csf.pignore item selector case-insensitive (e.g. exe: and EXE: )
All user: item selector examples removed from the default csf.pignore for all new installations (e.g. user:mailman). csf.pignore examples for some common processes can be found here:
Updated DA and GENERIC default csf.pignore files for new installations
Updated installation scripts to distinguish between IPv4 and IPv6 port report
Modified Virtuozzo VPS numiptent check to distinguish between host and client servers
Added exe:/usr/sbin/ntpd to csf.pignore on new installations
Don’t perform the runlevel check on Debian/Ubuntu servers as it isn’t indicative of a potential security issue as with other Linux distros
Added new option PT_DELETED_ACTION which if defined with an executable script will run if PT_DELETED is triggered passing the process PID, executable and account. An example script is provided in: /etc/csf/
If CC_LOOKUPS enable for the MaxMind City Database then also display the Region, where available
Rearranged csf.conf for csf UI Firewall Configuration virtual pagination
Re-instated sanity check highlights in csf UI Firewall Configuration
Improved Server Check recursion checking in included configuration files
Added new options LF_APACHE_404 and LF_APACHE_404_PERM. This option will keep track of the number of “File does not exist” errors in HTACCESS_LOG. If the number of hits is more than LF_APACHE_404 in LF_INTERVAL seconds then the IP address will be blocked. See csf.conf for more information