On some installations MailScanner is failing to detect SpamAssassin. This can be seen with the following error in /var/log/messages:
- Significant speedups for pattern matching
- Improvements to the Fingerprint matching system which includes speedups and additional identification methods
- Fixed error message for scanning an non-existent file
- Exploit regex definitions database additions
- Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions
v5.39 Changes:
- Fixed detection of the nat tables on some Virtuozzo VPS servers
v5.38 Changes:
- Modification to the Integrated UI to allow access to cxs if it is installed via UI_CXS
- Include an updated cse with csf for use with the Integrated UI via UI_CSE
- Added option UI_CIPHER to allow the SSL cipher suite to be set manually for the Integrated UI
- Added HTTP request internal memory limits to the Integrated UI
- Modification to the Integrated UI to allow access to cxs if it is installed via UI_CXS
- Include an updated cse with csf for use with the Integrated UI via UI_CSE
- Added option UI_CIPHER to allow the SSL cipher suite to be set manually for the Integrated UI
- Added HTTP request internal memory limits to the Integrated UI
- Fixed problem with quarantine file naming convention causing duplicate file names under certain circumstances and failing to quarantine the second instance
- Fixed spurious Cpanel::Version::gettree() warning in cPanel error log
- Exploit regex definitions database additions
- Added new BETA feature – User Interface. This feature provides a HTML UI to csf and lfd, without requiring a control panel or web server. The UI runs as a sub process to the lfd daemon. See csf.conf and readme.txt for information and requirements
- Fixed issue with RT_* regex routine ignoring
- Fixed detection of DNSONLY cPanel installs
- Added Security Check on cPanel server checks for disabled “Proxy subdomains” and “Proxy subdomain creation”
- Added new option LF_CPANEL_ALERT_ACTION. If a LF_CPANEL_ALERT event is triggered, then if LF_CPANEL_ALERT_ACTION contains the path to a script, it will run the script and passed the ip and username and the DNS IP lookup result as 3 arguments
- Fixed problem with cxs Watch daemon restart introduced in v2.2.27. You will have to manually restart any running cxs Watch daemon after this upgrade
- If BSD::Resource perl module is installed, double the configured process stack size to help avoid Segmentation Faults
- Exploit regex definitions database additions
- Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions
- New –options [P]. This option will search standard web application configuration files for MySQL database passwords. It will then attempt to login via FTP on localhost with the username of the account being processed and the detected password (it will attempt up to two password hits per configuration file). If the login is successful, the option will trigger a match. See CLI documentation for more info
- Separated and highlighted advanced Exploit Scan options in the UI that can affect user data and/or produce false-positives in the vain hope it will stop some people just ticking everything and then wondering where their files have gone
- Added Net::FTP to the perl module requirements (this is a core perl module so should already be installed)
- New options –uidmin [uid] and –uidmax [uid] for the GENERIC install when used with –allusers. These have no effect on cPanel and DA
- Exploit regex definitions database additions
- Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions