ConfigServer Services Blog

cPanel ModSecurity Vendor for cxs

We have created a ModSecurity Vendor that you can now use to import the cxs ModSecurity rules. To use this new feature you need to:

1. Remove the cxs ModSecurity rule block from /usr/local/apache/conf/modsec2.user.conf

2. Use the inbuilt cPanel ModSecurity Vendor Rules mechanism by either:

a) WHM > ModSecurity Vendors > Add Vendor > Vendor Configuration URL:

Save and then restart httpd


b) Issue the following commands:

/scripts/modsec_vendor add
/scripts/modsec_vendor enable configserver

Then restart httpd

You can have the ConfigServer Vendor enabled along with any other Vendor that you may already be using.

cxs and ModSecurity v2.9

If you are using ModSecurity v2.9 with Apache you will need to add an extra ModSecurity directive to the cxs upload scanning rule for it to function as ModSecurity have changed the way that the @inspectFile function works:

SecUploadKeepFiles RelevantOnly

On a cPanel server this means that you need to edit:


and add the line above after the cxs ModSecurity rule and then restart httpd.

New cxs v5.29


  • Modified documentation to address changes in ModSecurity v2.9 that requires the following is set as part of the ModSecurity config:
    SecUploadKeepFiles RelevantOnly
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New cmm v1.33


  • Added options to bulk show/enable/disable GreyListing, if WHM option enabled
  • Added options to show/enable/disable GreyListing per domain, if WHM option enabled

PayPal Donations

Our recent decision to no longer accept PayPal Donation payments is two-fold:

1. We were starting to get a large number of “fake” donations, presumably from compromised PayPal accounts which were subsequently contested (No, we don’t get it either!). This cost us not only in time, but also in money for each payment refunded.

2. We have been aware of a change in PayPal’s policy on using the “Donate” button and accepting donations. This change means that accumulated donations over $10,000 requires that an accepting account is a verifiable non-profit organisation:

While we’re not near that figure yet, we have been in business for a long time so we have had to make the disappointing decision to stop accepting donations for our free products.

We do know that many people want to keep supporting us in our development of our products, so we will look into alternatives. For now we have cancelled all subscription payments and will no longer accept future PayPal donations.

We do sincerely appreciate everyone who has donated to us in the past to help continued development in our free products.

New cxs v5.28


  • Added new option –[no]ssl. When enabled (the default) all cxs URL functions, such as updating, bayes corpus retrieval and license checking will be done over an SSL connection to ConfigServer servers
  • Added /var/run/clamd.scan/clamd.sock as another default clamd socket location for –clamdsock [socket]
  • Added unsupported option –YSKIPCGI. See POD for more information
  • Exploit regex definitions database additions
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New cmc v1.18


  • Removed redundant code
  • Modified to cater for /usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/(std|ssl)/2_4 paths when Apache v2.4 is used
  • Additional input validation from forms
  • Added Migrate button to move modsec.conf files from older Apache data structures to the current valid one