ConfigServer Services Blog

New osm v1.12


  • osm will now reprocess exim log line events for the total number of
    recipients listed. This ensures that for this type of detection a
    single email sent to hundreds of recipients will not count as a single
    event, but the total number of recipients. This option can be disabled
    if each log line should be treated as a single event in the Main
  • Improved parent/child pipe processing to avoid delays due to buffering

New cxs v9.21


  • Reworked storage and retrieval of fingerprints from database
  • Fixed cxs cron and improved diagnostic output for support

New osm v1.11


  • Added logging for every 10% of trigger level reached over 50%. Logged once per minute for each user/trigger being tracked

New csf v12.05


  • Removed RBLs from csf.rbls
  • Modify Project Honey Pot blocklist URLs to use https
  • Ignore $SIG{PIPE} when running ipset
  • Ensure csf shows ipset warnings
  • Added osmd to lfd restart routine when cPanel upgrades
  • Modified Server Check to look for underscore as well as dash settings
  • Added test in lfd to ensure the pidfile is open before attempting to close it
  • Added new regex for LF_EXIMSYNTAX
  • Added new option: URLPROXY. If you need csf/lfd to use a proxy, then you can set this option to the URL of the proxy

New cxs v9.20


  • Modified cPanel account creation detection for cxswatch to use a cPanel hook rather than scanning /var/cpanel/users/