We’re pleased to announce that our ConfigServer Exploit Scanner application is now fully supported on the InterWorx control panel. This means that installation is now included (see the cxs FAQ for conditions).
cxs exploit scanning:
- Actively scans all modified files within user accounts using the cxs Watch daemon regardless of how they were uploaded
- PHP upload scripts (via a ModSecurity hook)
- Perl upload scripts (via a ModSecurity hook)
- CGI upload scripts (via a ModSecurity hook)
- Any other web script type that utilises the HTML form ENCTYPE multipart/form-data (via a ModSecurity hook)
The active scanning of files can help prevent exploitation of an account by malware by deleting or moving suspicious files to quarantine before they become active. It can also prevent the uploading of PHP and perl shell scripts, commonly used to launch more malicious attacks and for sending spam.
cxs also allows you to perform on-demand scanning of files, directories and user accounts for suspected exploits, viruses and suspicious resources (files, directories, symlinks, sockets). You can run scans of existing user data to see if exploits have been uploaded in the past or via methods not covered by the active scanning. It has been tuned for performance and scalability.
More information is available on the product page: