ConfigServer Services Blog

New cxs v1.31


  • Always exit if ftp/cgi user is listed in a specified ignore file
  • Disable pure-uploadscript if /etc/cxs/ftpddisable exists (in addition to /etc/ftpddisable)
  • Exploit regex definitions database additions
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New csf v5.09


  • Added Server Check report check that klogd is running if using syslogd or that klog module is loaded if running rsyslogd
  • Added Server Check report, checks for apache settings: TraceEnable, ServerSignature, ServerTokens and FileETag on cPanel servers
  • Fixed ip6tables IPV6_SPI check warning for older kernels
  • Added instruction to open outgoing TCP6 and UDP6 ports when using an older kernel for ip6tables
  • IPv6 Final (no longer Beta)
  • Added new option LT_SKIPPERMBLOCK. If LF_PERMBLOCK is enabled but you do not want this to apply to LT_POP3D/LT_IMAPD, then enable this option
  • Added new option PT_USER_ACTION. If a PT_* event is triggered, then PT_USER_ACTION will be run in a child process and passed the PID(s) of the process(es)

New cxs v1.30


  • Added new option –script [script] which runs an external script whenever a match is detected against a file. See documentation for more information
  • Exploit regex definitions database additions
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New cxs v1.29


  • Significant improvements to –decode [file]
  • Increased LWP timeout to cater for servers with slow connections to the license server
  • Added total Viruses and Fingerprint Matches to the –mail Subject
  • Added total Fingerprint Matches to the –summary
  • Exploit regex definitions database additions
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

rsyslog v3+ and kernel logging

If you are running the version 3+ of rsyslog then you may not be logging iptables kernel logs.This will prevent investigation of iptables block issues and the csf Port Scan Tracking feature.You need to check /etc/rsyslog.conf and ensure that the following line appears near the top of the configuration file:$ModLoad imklogIf you have added that line, then you must then restart rsyslogd:service rsyslog restart

New csf v5.08


  • New option CLUSTER_MASTER which is the IP of the master node in a cluster allowed to send CLUSTER_CONFIG changes. This must be set in order to use CLUSTER_CONFIG options
  • Added new Cluster CLI option –cfile (-cf) for sending a file to cluster members. The file will only be uploaded to the /etc/csf/ directory
  • Added new Cluster CLI option –crestart (-crs) to initiate a restart of csf and lfd on all cluster members
  • Removed CLI option -ccr, –cconfigr [name] [value] in favour of the new –crs, –crestart option
  • Modified regular expressions to cater for RFC3339 date format in log files. For example, RFC3339 date format used by default in rsyslog on CentOS v5.5

New cxs v1.28


  • If ftp is disabled in cPanel do not start pure-uploadscript
  • New –options [E]. This option will match scripts that send out email using sendmail, exim or via SMTP. This option requires that –options [m] is also specified
  • Improvement to –decode [file] variable detection
  • Improvements to various eval() regex matches
  • Exploit regex definitions database additions
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions

New csf v5.07


  • Fixed bug introduced in v5.04 that omitted two outgoing DNS lookup rules that could affect servers where iptables connection tracking isn’t working correctly

New csf v5.06


  • Increased PT_USERMEM default to 200 from 100 for new installations
  • Fixed bug introduced in 5.04 when checking the GLOBAL_ALLOW list for report generation in lfd which caused lfd to fail in Net::CIDR::Lite