We’ve been working on developing our own iptables firewall, login failure daemon and WHM front-end. The idea is to provide a complete, straight-forward, easy to configure and maintain, solution. There are, of course, other products available that can provide you with this functionality. However, in our experience over the years, we’ve found them lacking in some fundamental aspects. We’re trying to address those with our new development.It’s likely to stay in beta-testing for some time (once we have that available) to ensure that it is robust as possible.For now, the product will be Linux only (possible RH and derivatives only) and we are as yet undecided on the license we will distribute the product under and how that distribution is done. It will also be exclusively for cPanel servers, certainly initially.We’re hoping to have this working on VPS servers, but it depends a lot on your VPS provider and their willingness/ability to provide the correct iptables modules in their kernels.More details will follow in due course, including a call for brave beta-testers ;)Visit the products page on our site here.