ConfigServer Services Blog

rkhunter v1.2.8 released

A new version of the popular rootkit hunter application has been released.Uprade instructions:

wget -xzf rkhunter-*cd rkhunter./ cd ../bin/rm -Rf rkhunter*rkhunter –updaterkhunter -c –skip-keypress

MailScanner Script v2.31 Released

A new version of the update script has been released to cater for some hidden changes in the way MailScanner uses its SpamAssassin preferences file. This will likely only have affected those that have modified spam.assassin.prefs.conf.Changes in the new release:


MailScanner Script v2.30 Released

MailScanner have release a new version which includes some major enhancements, some of which I’ve seen improve performance dramatically on servers that receive a lot of spam.Changes in this new release to the script are:


Note About Comments

Please note that the comments for the ConfigServer Blog are not intended as a method to seek support for any aspect of the services or products that we produce. If you require support, please use the HelpDesk and be aware that there may be charges involved with support provision. Offending comments will be removed 😉

HelpDesk Move

We’ve moved our helpdesk to a new server (in the UK) and a new domain. for those that use our services, please update your bookmarks to use the following URL from now on:

PHP v4.4.2 Released by cPanel

v4.4.2 has been released for inclusion in building apache/php on cPanel servers. I’ve upgraded all of our servers with it and it appears to be working well. From the php site:

This is a bug fix release, which addresses some security problems too. The major points that this release corrects are:

  • Prevent header injection by limiting each header to a single line.
  • Possible XSS inside error reporting functionality.
  • Missing safe_mode/open_basedir checks into cURL extension.
  • Apache 2 regression with sub-request handling on non-Linux systems.
  • key() and current() regression related to references.

This release also fixes about 30 other defects