

MailTools v2.* breaks MailScanner

On servers that are running the perl modules that are a part of MailTools, MailScanner breaks with the recently released v2.*. The errors you will see when starting MailScanner look like this: Variable “$FIELD_NAME” is not imported at line…

New csf v2.92

Changes: Improved the cPanel version check for < v11 and whether up to date Added new CLI option -t (–temp) which lists the temporary IP bans and the TTL before the IP is flushed from iptables Added “View Temporary IP…

New csf v2.91

Changes: Added Fedora Core v6 to the obsolete OS check Added php v4 check Added apache v2.2 check Added Perl v5.8.8 check Added cPanel v11 check Modified Sys::Syslog use to utilise the ndelay and nofatal options Added new option GLOBAL_IGNORE…

cPanel: Problems sending email through Squirrelmail

cPanel have created a problem with a recent modification to how webmail, squirrelmail in particular, works on the latest versions of cPanel. In the past, webmail sent using the sendmail binary (exim) and worked without issue. In an attempt to…

New cse v1.5

Changes: Modification to upload file procedure for cPanel v11 Improved the display output on the command console To upgrade, follow the installation document:

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v4.18

Changes: Added improved mysql maintenance of the mailwatch database Updated Mailwatch to v1.04 (fixes PHP v5 compatibility problems) Fixed problem with MailWatch and GeoIP (fixes MySQL v5 compatibility problems) Added MailScanner version display in the WHM UI Upgrade can be…