ConfigServer Services Blog

New csf v4.55


  • Fixed issue with csf.conf not being loaded for the Server Check Report
  • Removed erroneous chkconfig check from Server Check Report
  • Disabled various checks in Server Check Report for non-cPanel servers
  • Modified Debian/Ubuntu init entry creation and removal procedure
  • Modified Server Check to search for multiple named.conf locations

New csf v4.54


  • Bug fix to Exploit Check code
  • Fixed problem with iptables logs not being collated if PS_INTERVAL is disabled but ST_ENABLE is enabled
  • Fixed potential problem with SMTPRELAY_LOG not being scanned when RT_RELAY_ALERT, RT_AUTHRELAY_ALERT or RT_POPRELAY_ALERT enabled

New csf v4.53


  • Upgraded the csf Webmin UI module to the new csf UI and added installation/upgrade instructions to the install.txt for Webmin
  • Fixed image locations and javascript in DA and webmin UI
  • Updated the uninstall scripts and the uninstall section of install.txt

New csf v4.52


  • Reverted lfd signalling on cPanel servers to allow UI restarts of lfd
  • Added warning in DA UI to upgrade csf from the root shell due to restrictions in DirectAdmin

NOTE: DA users should upgrade csf to this version from the root shell using “csf -u” and not use the Upgrade button in the UI

New csf v4.50


  • Added restrictions information regarding the PORTFLOOD setting and ipt_recent to readme.txt (i.e. hit count max is 20)
  • Modular development of csf UI
  • Added DirectAdmin UI and installation support for csf/lfd
  • Added Statistics options (ST_ENABLE, etc) to generic csf installation
  • Added SMTP options (SMTP_BLOCK, etc) to generic csf installation
  • Removed pre-configured firewall settings through UI for redevelopment as it has become out-dated
  • Modify csf UI to signal lfd to start/restart/enable only. A one minute cron job will actually perform the signalled function. The CLI is unaffected and performs the command immediately. This is introduced to overcome fork issues from within an Apache session

Server Access Problems

Over the last 12 hours we have suffered server access issues that meant visitors were unable to contact us or view our websites 🙁 We have now resolved the issue and all should be back to normal :)Our apologies for any inconvenience this outage may have caused.

New csf v4.41


  • Added information about runing external iptables commands using and/or to readme.txt
  • Added new CLI option csf –addrm (csf -ar) to remove an IP address from csf.allow and delete the associated iptables rules
  • Removed the need for the MONOLITHIC_KERNEL option and made modprobe perform silently on csf startup. Added the relevant information regarding some Monolithic kernels and the need for a PASV port range hole to readme.txt
  • Added timeout to csf modprobe to avoid startup hanging on buggy kernels

New csf v4.40


  • Added workaround for php –info bug in Server Report when checking PHP configuration settings
  • Modified LF_INTEGRITY to regenerate the md5sum comparison file immediately after a match is found instead of waitng for the next cycle
  • Fixed LF_INTEGRITY aborting if the temporary md5sum file is empty