ConfigServer Services Blog

New csf v4.70


  • Modified UI access to csf.sips to display checkboxes instead of direct editing, for ease of use
  • Fixed problem where RELAYHOSTS setting wasn’t always being honoured
  • Modified mod_security configuration editor to handle HTML elements
  • Rewritten RT_*_ALERT regex and counting code to better deal with a variety of exim log output formats
  • Added recipient count to RT_*_ALERT to include emails sent to multiple recipients. This option requires that the exim log_selector setting in the exim configuration includes the option: +received_recipients So, the recommended log_selector setting is now:

New csf v4.69


  • Added Gentoo support
  • Added Server Check for MySQL LOAD DATA LOCAL
  • Modified Server Check for enable_dl to check whether dl() is in disable_functions

New MailScanner Script v2.74


  • New Mailscanner v4.76.24:
  • Changed default installation/update menu option to [2]
  • Modified script to skip invalid domain entries in localdomains and secondarymx

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v4.28


  • Removed unecessary steps in UI ClamAV Update
  • Improved mailwatch mysql database creation stability
  • Modified script to skip invalid domain entries in localdomains and secondarymx
  • Upgraded use of Cpanel::SafeFile

New csf v4.68


  • Added ipv6 IP detection for proftpd login failures
  • Removed ossec and webmin from the Server Check services section

New csf v4.67


  • Modified the Country Code allow/deny feature to use now that has gone offline

New csf v4.66


  • Modified OS version check to prevent Fedora v10 obsolete false-positive in Server Check
  • Modified the exim SMTP AUTH regex to use the latest cPanel/exim format
  • Added failure notification for DYNDNS entry lookups in lfd if they fail to resolve or timeout

New csf v4.65


  • Modified Firewall Security Level UI to set PS_LIMIT within range
  • Fixed problem processing template for SU_ALERT
  • Empty csf.dshield on upgrade to work around problem where DSHIELD blocked themselves in their own BLOCK list

New csf v4.64


  • Removed SMTP_BLOCK warning on VPS servers where ipt_owner doesn’t work if SMTP_BLOCK isn’t actually enabled
  • Added new CLI option (csf -uf) which forces an update of csf+lfd
  • Added new CLI option (csf -df) which removes and unblocks all entries in /etc/csf.deny (excluding those marked “do not delete”)
  • Added new UI option to that removes and unblocks all entries in csf.deny (excluding those marked “do not delete”) and all temporary IP bans
  • Added csf file names to the csf UI options

New csf v4.63


  • New feature – Added new CLI option: csf –mail (or csf -m) which can take an email address as an argument. It will display the Server Check in HTML or send the output to the email address if present
  • Added option to UI Server Check to schedule csf to generate the report and email the results to the address specied at the interval specified
  • Removed MySQL check from cPanel DNSOnly Server Check
  • Updated the perl v5.8.8 Server Check comment
  • Fixed sanity check for RT_*_BLOCK
  • Fixed copy of install.txt for generic installs and upgrades
  • Modified UI for Deny Servers IPs > Change to indicate that csf needs restarting, not lfd
  • Added built-in replacement function for the Messenger Service message files for [HOSTNAME] which will be replaced by the servers FQDN hostname. Updated the sample Messenger index templates
  • Updated the uninstall scripts to remove the cronjob and logrotate files
  • Added colour highlights to the Quick Allow and Quick Deny UI boxes