ConfigServer Services Blog

New cmm v1.24


  • Fixed location of sa-learn binary
  • Fixed directory check logic for sa-learn feature

New cxs v3.05


  • Added /etc, /sys and /proc to directories requiring –force to be used when scanning
  • Added additional checks that any specified quarantine directory is valid
  • Added new option –ctime [hours]. If you run regular full system scans then you can use –ctime [hours] to only scan files changed in the intervening hours. This can speed up scan times dramatically
  • Apply hfile:, hdir: and hsym: ignores to FTP upload scanning
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions


New csf v6.26


  • Fixed UI issue with some settings sent via the Cluster Config option
  • Modified CONNLIMIT_LOGGING rule insertion point
  • Added new feature: Outgoing UDP Flood Protection. This option limits outbound UDP packet floods. These typically originate from exploit scripts uploaded through vulnerable web scripts. The feature is controlled by: UDPFLOOD, UDPFLOOD_LIMIT, UDPFLOOD_BURST, UDPFLOOD_LOGGING, UDPFLOOD_ALLOWUSER
  • Update the TOR URL in existing /etc/csf/csf.blocklists file if still set to the old URL

New csf v6.25


  • Fixed UI “Temporary IP entries > Flush all temporary IP entries”
  • Fixed UI_USER and UI_PASS being emptied on saving the firewall configuration through the UI
  • Fixed CLUSTER_KEY not displaying when RESTRICT_UI is disabled


New cmm v1.23


  • Fixed Up button
  • Fixed full email view on large messages
  • Updated Install/Uninstall instructions

New csf v6.23


  • Security – added new option RESTRICT_UI. This options restricts the ability to modify settings within csf.conf from the csf UI. Should the parent control panel be compromised, these restricted options could be used to further compromise the server. This option is enabled by default on all installations
  • Added entries to csf.pignore on new installations on cPanel servers for Dovecot v2.2 (cPanel v11.40+)
  • Fixed UI Template validation error message


New cxs v3.04


  • Security – Fixed file view from quarantine – reported by Rack911
  • Security – Further improved UI form data sanitisation
  • Bolstered the UI warning with regard to disabling Restricted Mode


New cxs v3.03


  • Fixed broken UI items
  • Improvements to the ignore logic
  • Improved UI form data sanitisation
  • Exploit fingerprint definitions database additions