ConfigServer Services Blog

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v3.6


  • Fixed file ownership issue that affected /etc/cron.d/
  • Added In/Outgoing Queue View

If you don’t already have a download account and wish to upgrade MSFE and have purchased an installation service package from us in the past, email and we’ll provide you with a download account for

Problems with ClamAV v0.90RC

Please note that as of writing you should not upgrade ClamAV to v0.90RC. The Mail::ClamAV perl module (v0.17) will not compile with this version of ClamAV installed and will therefore break MailScanner.For now you should remain on ClamAV v0.88.5 until either the ClamAV or the Mail::ClamAV developers resolve the issue.

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v3.5

We’ve completely reworked the WHM part of the MailScanner Front-End to put much of the control into the WHM UI in a similar manner as our csf WHM UI. You can see the latest screenshots which show the new features (bottom row):

  • Corrected versioning system
  • Flattened installation procedure
  • Complete rewrite of the WHM MailScanner Front-End

If you wish to upgrade MSFE and have purchased an installation service package from us in the past, email and we’ll provide you with a download account for

New csf v2.37


  • Added canna to the Security Check
  • New feature – added support for dynamic dns (DYNDNS) records. See csf.conf for more information
  • Added dyndns file edit to WHM UI

New ClamAV v0.88.5


  • fixes a crash in the CHM unpacker and a heap overflow inthe function rebuilding PE files after unpacking.


  • Upgrade through WHM MSFE or by following:

New csf v2.36


  • Added runlevel check to Security Check
  • Added nobody cron check to Security Check
  • Added melange server check to Security Check
  • Modified the regex for the php.ini disable_functions check
  • Added timing function to lfd that logs how long each stage takes. This can be enabled by editing and setting $timing=1 – this can help in tracking down performance issues with lfd

chkrootkit v0.47 released

chkrootkit 0.47 is now available!  This version includes:  * chkproc.c    - some bug fixes, thanks to Lantz Moore    - use of getpriority() to identify LKMs, thanks to      Yjesus(unhide) and Slider/Flimbo (skdet)    - new rootkit detected:       - Enye LKM  * chkrootkit    - new test:       - crontab    - new rootkits/worms detected:       - Enye LKM       - Lupper.Worm       - shv5    - more ports added to the bindshell test    - some minor bug fixeschkrootkit is a tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit.  Moreinformation about chkrootkit and rootkits can be found at

New MailScanner Script v2.46


  • Modified installer script to change the exim system_filter to an empty file (/etc/antivirus.empty) instead of periodically emptying /etc/antivirus.exim
  • Modified installer script to check for existence, ownership and permissions on the spool directories on upgrade
  • Modified installer script to cleanly stop and start MailScanner without Failed messages
  • Latest MailSCanner v4.56.8
  • Modified installer script to offer second option for new installations to skip forced perl module installation
  • Fixed bug in the MailScanner distribution where the MailScanner.conf update script isn’t chmod executable

New rkhunter v1.2.9

The rkhunter developer has finally released a long awaited update:

  • This release added support for RHEL WS/AS/ES 3 Taroon update 8, Fedora Core 5, and SuSE 10. Checks were added for packet capturing applications and processes using deleted files. The netstat check was enabled for AIX and the backdoor check was enabled for SunOS. Logfile specification and checks were added., it looks like they still don’t support the most popular OS’s md5sums, i.e. RHEv4/CentOSv4To upgrade:

/bin/rm -Rf rkhunter*wget -xzf rkhunter-*cd rkhunter-*./ cd ../bin/rm -Rf rkhunter*rkhunter –updaterkhunter -c –skip-keypress

New csf v2.35


  • Added specific exclusion for proftpd in process tracking
  • Fixed bug with GLOBAL_LF being ignored