ConfigServer Services Blog

New MailScanner Script v2.50

Anyone with a VPS that has upgraded to v2.49 of the script will want to upgrade again – Changes:

  • Implemented a workaround for a major bug in MailScanner v4.58.9 that breaks MailScanner if on a server (e.g. a VPS) where /dev/shm exists but is not a mountpoint for a tmpfs device – naughty MailScanner

New csf v2.64


  • Modified lfd check for rotated system logs to re-open a log file if logs are emptied instead of rotated

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v4.0


  • Installation no longer attempts to recreate mailscanner database or update the MailScanner configuration settings if the mailscanner MySQL database already exists
  • Added whitelisting to virus.scanning.rules for mails released from quarantine (i.e. sent locally and from the postmaster@hostname address)
  • Moved to a simpler installer script using the license server
  • Timeout version checks incase version server is unavailable
  • Added check for incorrect ClamAV (or clamavconnector) installation which causes MailScanner to be disabled
  • Improved support for remote MySQL database servers

New csf v2.63


  • Added regex support for uw-imap (imap and pop3) login failures
  • Added regex support for proftpd login failures
  • Timeout version check incase version server is unavailable

Ouch, that hurt!

Our apologies if you’ve been trying to contact us today. We had a main hard drive failure on our configserver/waytotheweb server which took us down for a while.Many thanks to our server provider Coreix for their very prompt work in getting us back up with a new disk.I then had the fun of running our own restore service on our own server ;)Well, we’re back up and running now 😀

New csf v2.62


  • Fixed CIDR support issue with csf.ignore only recognising the first listed entry

New csf v2.61


  • Fixed problem (that happened on some OS’s) with lfd not being killed by /etc/init.d/lfd

New csf v2.60

Changes and additional OS support:

  • Added log file locations to csf.conf
  • openSUSE v10 compatible (generic)
  • Debian v3.1 (sarge) compatible (generic)
  • Unbuntu v6.06 LTS compatible (generic)
  • Added installation check for the LWP (libwww-perl) perl module
  • Ran spell checker against the readme.txt file

New MSFE v3.9


  • Fixed problem with installer where wasn’t being copied on installation
  • Added new IP licensing scheme. You will need to email your order details and servers main IP address to to be able to upgrade MSFE in future releases
  • Updated post-upgrade message to reflect the new route to the MSFE WHM UI
  • Added link to MSFE changelog if an upgrade is available

For this version, you can download the update from – if you don’t have a download account, please email and request one, and be sure to include the name under which you originally ordered and your servers IP address for future updates. Future versions will then be available for upgrade from within WHM.