ConfigServer Services Blog

Server Move – Completed

We have finished moving to our new server.

If you have odd blocking in your firewall and any of our licensed products installed, you should ensure that you update access to so that it uses the new IP address:


Server Move

We will be moving some our sites to a new server tomorrow 30th May 2015. This might cause some issues connecting to some of our sites during the move and while DNS propagation takes place. This will affect:

  • Email sent to us
  • Our HelpDesk
  • The main site
  • The main site
  • The product licensing site (should not prevent products functioning – cxs/MSFE)

It will not affect, the store, the forums or this blog.

cPanel v11.50 cxs and pure-ftp startup/login problems

If you are running cPanel CURRENT and have just upgraded to v11.50 and have cxs installed with ftp upload scanning and pure-ftpd is not restarting correctly, you may need to run the following to ensure pure-ftpd starts correctly:

service pure-uploadscript restart


/etc/init.d/pure-uploadscript restart

New csf v7.69


  • Modified LF_CSF on cPanel servers to detect a change in the cPanel version and then trigger a restart of ConfigServer scripts (added cxs pure-uploadscript restart)

New cxs v5.23


  • Added the ability to use positive –options [+][], i.e. the default list of options is used in addition to those listed when prefixed with a plus
  • Improvements to –decode ([D])
  • Added atime, ctime and mtime to newly quarantined file descriptions viewable from the UI and the CLI via –qview [file].restore4
  • Ensure /var/log/cxswatch.log ownership and permissions are set on each update in case of rotation
  • File md5sum added to cgi and ftp alert email