ConfigServer Services Blog

New cxs v9.01


  • Offload database reporting to a subprocess
  • Prevent the same exploit (md5sum) being repeatedly reported through -wttw [file]

New csf v12.01


  • Added missing DOCKER_DEVICE setting from the generic and directadmin csf.conf files
  • Ensure iptables/ip6tables mangle and raw tables are flushed on stop/start if they exist
  • CC_OLDGEOLITE set to “0” on new servers and those upgrading to v12.* for the first time. This enables MaxMind GeoLite2 by default unless already set
  • Note: The old MaxMind Geolite v1 database code will be removed in the near future, before the end of March, in favour of the v2 databases

New cxs v9.00


  • Added new –Wnotify [system]. This option specifies which filesystem notification API to use with cxs Watch. Defaults to [inotify]
  • Added EXPERIMENTAL support for RHEL v7.* fanotify and CloudLinux v7.* File Change API (direct and via SQLite API). See the cxs documentation for information, restrictions, requirements, advantages and disadvantages of each notification system
  • Modified Universal Decoder to run an all scripts, not just PHP

New csf v12.00


  • Added support for GeoLite2 databases from Maxmind for CC_*. These databases are significantly larger than the soon to be deprecated GeoLite ones stored in /var/lib/csf/
  • Added support for GeoLite2 databases from Maxmind for CC_LOOKUPS and CC6_LOOKUPS
  • Added new option: CC_OLDGEOLITE. This option is enabled by default to continue using the old GeoLite databases. See csf.conf for more information. This option will be removed in the near future so that all installations use the new GeoLite2 databases
  • GeoLite2 lookups now use the CSV files instead of the formatted Data files because the Perl dependencies for the MaxMind Perl modules that access the Data files are prohibitively excessive. We have developed our own fast binary search module to perform the required lookups on the CSV files for both IPv4 and IPv6
  • An advantage of the new GeoLite2 databases is that IPv6 lookups can now be done to the same level as IPv4: Country Code; Country; Region; City; ASN
  • Unified storage of GeoLite2 database to avoid duplication between CC_LOOKUPS and CC_* databases
  • Added new CC_LOOKUPS value of “4”. This option does not use the MaxMind databases directly for lookups. Instead it uses a URL-based lookup from a third-party provider at and so avoids having to download and process the large databases. See csf.conf for more information and limitations
  • Modified CC_INTERVAL default to 14 days on new installations
  • Ensure MESSENGERV2 service will not start if using a valid cPanel account in MESSENGER_USER (must be non-cPanel account)
  • Create entry in /etc/aliases for “csf” if MESSENGERV2 is enabled on cPanel servers to reserve the account name
  • Added new feature: DOCKER support. This configures iptables rules to allow Docker containers to communicate through the host. This is currently in BETA testing. See csf.conf for more information. Thanks to Marcele for the rules
  • Removed redundant nat table check for ip6tables in
  • Replaced all remaining bareword file handles

New cxs v8.11


  • New –options [I]. This option will trigger a match for Ioncube files. As Ioncube files cannot be decoded by cxs, this option can be used to block uploads of Ioncube files in Otherwise, the script will have to be detected using –xtra [file] and the MD5SUM of the script
  • Modified option -wttw [file] to prevent reporting of Ioncube files as we cannot decode them and so cannot determine their function
  • Option for Ioncube trigger added to UI wizards

New cxs v8.10


  • Modified UI display of the current configuration for the various cxs commands so that it shows a quarantine error if present
  • Added buttons to UI to display the current configuration for the Daily and Weekly cxs commands
  • Added golang file detection for exploit fingerprints

New csf v11.07


  • Added missing WAITLOCK to iptables when processing advanced port filters in csf and lfd and checking csf status in UI
  • Added WAITLOCK, if enabled, to iptables-restore commands during FASTSTART
  • Server Check Report – removed ini_set check as so many scripts use ini_set nowadays. Updated text on various checks
  • Updated the postfix SMTP AUTH regex
  • Added new SSHD “maximum authentication attempts exceeded” regex
  • Set basic PATH before running to avoid binary location issues
  • csf now runs directly without forcing it through /bin/sh. If present, csf chmods the script 0700 and checks for a shebang. If the shebang is missing #!/bin/bash is added to the top. The script is then run
  • Added seventh parameter to to allow Cloudflare blocking if a CUSTOM regex is triggered (see latest in distro)
  • Rearranged UI tabs and shortened tab names. Moved quick actions to the top of the “csf” tab pane
  • Added “AUTH command used when not advertised” to the LF_EXIMSYNTAX regex check
  • Added new csf CLI cluster option: -ci, –cignore ip [comment] This will add the IP to each remote /etc/csf/csf.ignore member and then restart lfd. This has also been added to the UI
  • Fixed cluster grep output in UI
  • Modified MESSENGERV2 to support combined certificates+keys in cPanel v68+
  • Added triggered setting and, if applicable, temporary TTL to the “Blocked:” status in block alert emails
  • Added “wildcard” option to “Search System Logs” UI to use ZGREP to search the specified log with a wildcard suffix
  • ZGREP option added to csf.conf which must point to the zgrep binary
  • Added git binaries to csf.pignore on cPanel servers for upcoming v72/74 features

New cxs v8.09


  • Fixed UI not allowing Save Wizard Defaults if in Restricted Mode
  • Fixed Save Wizard Defaults when –www, –smtp or –dbreport disabled

New cxs v8.08


  • Added buttons to UI to display the current configuration for the various cxs commands
  • Added timeout to d/b connect to prevent hanging processes waiting for a d/b lock
  • Improved efficiency of /etc/cxs/cxscgi.queue processing
  • Improved efficiency of quarantine scan processing in UI