ConfigServer Services Blog

New ClamAV v0.90.2

ClamAV have released a new version with security fixes. It is advised that everyone upgrade to this new version, which you can now do through the MailScanner WHM UI.

Changes in this release include some security fixes in CHM, CAB and PDF code and better handling of network problems in freshclam.Please see ChangeLog for complete list of changes. **Important note**: on April 16th CHM, CAB and PDF handlers will be disabled for 0.90 and 0.90.1 users through the dynamic engine configuration module (DCONF). Please upgrade to 0.90.2 immediately.

New csf v2.66


  • Modified LF_CPANEL text in csf.conf for new installations to reflect the change in the SSL login handling by cPanel (i.e. it does now log SSL login IP’s)
  • Modified the log line monitoring in lfd to cope with log line flooding to prevent looping/excessive resource usage. Also recoded without the use of the POSIX routines
  • lfd process name now shows which log file it is scanning

New ClamAV v0.90.1

ClamAV have released a new version that fixes a raft of things that they broke with the v0.90 release a few days ago. We will be releasing a new version of the MailScanner installer script shortly that fixes an incompatibility in MailScanner with the new v0.9* version of ClamAV.

New Mail::ClamAV v0.20

The day we release a patch workaround the Mail::ClamAV developer has finally released fixed code for ClamAV v0.90. It will take some time to get around all the mirrors, but you can install it from source easily enough and then revert to virus scanners = clamavmodule in MailScanner.conf

wget -xzf Mail-ClamAV-0.20.tar.gz cd Mail-ClamAV-0.20perl Makefile.PL makemake installpico -w /usr/mailscanner/etc/MailScanner.conf

Virus Scanners = clamavmodule

service MailScanner restart

New ClamAV v0.90

We have previously guarded against upgrading to this latest version of ClamAV as the developer of the perl module Mail::ClamAV has not updated his code to support this updated version of the ClamAV engine.However, vulnerabilities have now been published for versions of ClamAV prior to v0.90 so it seems prudent to upgrade to it now.To do this we have repackaged the ClamAV v0.90 distribution and added code to convert MailScanner to use clamav instead of clamavmodule for its Virus Scanner.The downside of this change is that there is a potential increase in server load over using the perl module method.You can upgrade now through the WHM MailScanner UI. You can ignore the Mail::ClamAV errors at the bottom of the installation procedure, but do make sure that MailScanner starts correctly and send a test message through your system (check /var/log/maillog).For anyone using MailScanner without our Front-End, you can upgrade using the same repackaged distribution with…

wget -xzf clamav-*cd clamav-*./configure –disable-zlib-vcheckmakemake installreplace “Example” “#Example” — /usr/local/etc/freshclam.confreplace “Example” “#Example” — /usr/local/etc/clamd.conffreshclamcd ../bin/rm -Rf clamav-*service MailScanner restart

New csf v2.65


  • New Feature: System Integrity Checking. This enables lfd to compare md5sums of the servers OS binary application files from the time when lfd starts. If the md5sum of a monitored file changes an alert is sent. This option is intended as an IDS (Intrusion Detection System) and is the last line of detection for a

Do not upgrade to ClamAV v0.90

Don’t be tempted to upgrade to ClamAV v0.90 if you are running MailScanner. The Mail::ClamAV perl module is incompatible with it at this time, so you will have to stick with ClamAV v0.87 (why can’t they develop these things to be backwards compatible?). Hopefully the Mail::ClamAV developer will fix this soon. If you must use v0.90 then you’ll have to set virus scanners = clamav in MailScanner.conf

New MailScanner Script v2.51


  • Further development of the workaround for the new MailScanner bug where it won’t start if /dev/shm isn’t mounted or is not writable

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v4.01


  • v4.01 – Modified installation routines to better support old OS’s (only applies to updates v4.01+)
  • Set Virus Scanning default to To: instead of FromOrTo: for new installations
  • Added Performance tweak to enable/disable outgoing virus scanning
  • Added note to Performance tweak – if Dangerous Content scanning is disabled, File Attachment checking is also disabled