On servers that are running the perl modules that are a part of PathTools, MailScanner breaks with the recently released v3.26. If you’re suffering from this issue you’ll see MailScanner continually restarting. If you run MailScanner in –debug you’ll see it SegFault. In /var/log/messages you’ll see continual:
MailScanner: Process did not exit cleanly, returned 0 with signal 11
You can confirm which version of PathTools is installed using:
perl -MCwd -e ‘print “$Cwd::VERSION\n”‘
To fix this you need to downgrade PathTools to v3.2501:
wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/K/KW/KWILLIAMS/PathTools-3.2501.tar.gztar -xzf PathTools-3.2501.tar.gzcd PathTools-3.2501perl Makefile.PL makemake installcd ..rm -Rfv PathTools-3.2501*