Server Software and Configuration Services
New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v8.00
- Major New Feature: End-User cPanel MailControl. This feature enables end-users access to a limited MailControl interface from within the cPanel MSFE UI. See MSFE > Front-End Settings > End-User Settings > for settings and more information
- End-User settings are now controlled on an “inherit from default” basis allowing more granular control of user settings
- New MailControl setting: Mail Release (direct) allows emails to be placed directly into the specified local email accounts INBOX on the server, bypassing exim for instant delivery
- Modified display Client IP column option in main table to work with SQLite driver, however column sort is not available unless using a MySQL driver
- Added clientip index to the SQLite schema
- MailWatch Asynchronous MySQL replaced with a combined MailControl Asynchronous MySQL driver. The forked process is now called “MailScanner: MailControl”