Server Software and Configuration Services
New csf v6.43
- Modified RESTRICT_SYSLOG_GROUP to always include /dev/log and /usr/share/cagefs-skeleton/dev/log, if a socket, if syslog/rsyslog process is not found and also to cater for systems using systemd (e.g. Fedora, RHEL v7, etc)
- RESTRICT_SYSLOG_GROUP taken out of BETA as it appears stable and effective. Setting RESTRICT_SYSLOG to “3” is the recommended option
- Updated readme.txt RESTRICT_SYSLOG mitigations to include CloudLinux method to disable access to caged /dev/log
- csf –dr modified to remove matching IPs from csf.tempip
- File globbing is now allowed for all *_LOG file settings in csf.conf. However, be aware that the more files lfd has to track, the greater the performance hit