ConfigServer Services Blog

New MailScanner Front-End v3.3

Fixed a major bug:

  • v3.3 – Fixed problem with the MailScanner front-end cronjob that introduces user changes not reloading MailScanner on some servers

You can check your MSFE version by looking at the top of /usr/mscpanel/CHANGELOG.msfe.txtIf you wish to upgrade MSFE and have purchased an installation service package from us in the past, email and we’ll provide you with a download account for

New ClamAV v0.88.4

New version of ClamAV has been released:

  • This release fixes a possible heap overflow in the UPX code.

Upgrade through WHM MSFE or by following:

MailScanner Front-End v3.2

Bug fix in v3.2:

  • Fixed problem with upgrading MailScanner and ClamAV in /tmp by building all source in /usr/src/ and using interactive shell commands – without this update the upgrade feature will not work correctly

If you wish to upgrade MSFE and have purchased an installation service package from us in the past, email and we’ll provide you with a download account for

New csf v1.89

Added a new feature for v1.89:

  • Added Pre-configured settings for Low, Medium or High firewall security to WHM UI

New csf v1.86

A major enhancement for v1.86:

  • Modified lfd connection tracking to drop udp as well as tcp packets when blocking
  • Added support for the DShield Block List with LF_DSHIELD – See csf.conf for more information
  • Added support for the Spamhaus DROP List with LF_SPAMHAUS – See csf.conf for more information

New csf v1.85

Minor changes for v1.85

  • Workaround for spam PT false-positives
  • Added exe:/usr/bin/spamc to csf.pignore
  • Added csf version to title bar in WHM

MailScanner Front-End v3.1

Recent changes in MSFE: v3.1:

  • Added upgrade buttons for MailScanner and ClamAV if available to WHM
  • Fixed language issue with “Not Set” string translation
  • Modified advice text
  • Setting low/high scoring default now actually changes the default setting in the configuration files – previously it only changed the default option for end-users


  • Added Advanced Settings to toggle setting for FromOrTo:/From: for both black and white listed entries
  • Modified treatment of black and whitelisted IP entries so that they’re always configured as From: in the rulesets (MailScanner requirement)

If you wish to upgrade MSFE and have purchased an installation service package from us in the past, email and we’ll provide you with a download account for

New csf v1.81

Latest version supports iptables in the latest 2.6+ kernel that use xt_iptables:

  • 1.81